What is the Heart Bleed Bug and Why Creately Users Are Safe

I’m sure most of you have heard about the heart bleed bug now. If not it’s a new security bug that has left the sensitive data of millions across the web vulnerable. But the good news is Creately users are safe from being exposed by the heart bleed bug. But not all services are secure so lets explore what this bug is and how you can secure yourself it.

How to Confirm Whether a Site is Affected by the Heart Bleed Bug

The first step to prevention is identifying the problem. If you’re not sure whether one of your favorite sites is affected by the the bug you can test it using this page. Make sure the tick the check box “Check for Heartbleed vulnerability”. And below you can see how Creately fared in the test.

heart bleed vulnerability test

Heart bleed vulnerability not a problem for Creately users

How Heart Bleed Bug Works

If you’re not familiar with networking then terms like SSL which is associated with the heart bleed bug can make things very confusing. But the security guys at pcmag have made an info-graphic that makes it very easy to understand the situation. As always an image works thousand times better than long boring text. Click here to read the blog post which further explains it.

How the heart bleed bug works

How the heart bleed bug works

How to Protect Yourself from the Heart Bleed Bug

Now that you know what the bug is its time to protect yourself from it. CNET magazine has a great article with tips from industry experts explaining how to protect yourself from the bug. Here’s a summary of the points

  • Do not log into accounts from affected sites ( use the detection tool listed above to check whether a site is affected )
  • Once the site has confirmed that the bug is patched change the passwords  ( do not change passwords until the bug is patched )
  • Reach out to small businesses that have your sensitive data ( because not everyone is aware of it and quick to respond to them at big companies )
  • Check your financial statements ( just to be on the safe side )

Read the full article with industry expert tips by clicking here.

That pretty much covers what you need to know about heart bleed bug. And again Creately users are safe from the heart bleed bug.

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Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


  1. shriya pal

    Nice one!!! just love it.

  2. Mariana Gerzanych

    Thanks a lot for this huge amount of info. It will help us a lot.

  3. Excellent protection creatly, I think every online business must have ultimate protection from any known and unknown vulnerabilities.
    I think if everybody start taking this kind of care about their Online business, then I’ll be able to feel safe after few years.

  4. janice an

    I found a Firefox tool that can help the user know if the site is at risk http://www.proactiverisk.com/home/proactivetools

  5. Dr. Diana

    Oh my God!

    Its really horrible news for me. I will not login affected sites and thanks for providing me tool. I will check website first before proceeding further.


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