Is Microsoft Standing Up To Apple In the Office?

There has always been a sort of unspoken struggle for Microsoft when it comes to breaking into the enterprise world. Though companies still rely on systems built off of Microsoft, the power of Apple always manages to break out on top. The basis of this success can be attributed to their overwhelmingly successful branding, and all of the publishing that suggests Apple performs better than Microsoft ever could.

Gaining Confidence in Microsoft

Microsoft however has had enough time to catch on to all of the doubts towards them, and 2012 has proven that they are very capable of performing on an equal, if not transcending capability to that of Apple. There is an unexplainable tendency for critics and techies to immediately want to jump on and point out every insignificant supposed fallacy whenever a new Windows operating system gets revealed, and Windows 8 was really no different at all.

Review after review would lay claim that Windows 8 was “too confusing” to use, which I couldn’t have disagreed with more. The tile design really laid it all out in a say that could not have been any simpler, and I still fail to identify what any of these critics were attempting to point out. However, Windows 8 is seeing some relatively welcoming success with a large number of tablets and phones catching on to the system.

Microsoft office is moving to mobile solutions

Can MS Office dominate the mobile office space

Moving Forward With Mobile Office

Despite any tough barriers that Microsoft has had to deal with, their staple Microsoft Office program has always managed to stay on top in the office and at home. Surprisingly, this is one facet of computer utilization that Apple has not been as fruitful with. To make things even more in favor of Microsoft, they announced this week that they will adapt Office for iOS and Android.

If all pans out well for Microsoft in this new endeavor, then they might full well has sealed their security in the work force. Pushing their Office program to mobile devices that run on iOS and Android spreads out their influence right to where it needs to be. With more and more studies and reports insisting that most technological interaction occurs on mobile devices, this entry will quickly reveal benefits.

The iOS move is certainly a wise one with the release of the iPad Mini, a tablet designed for quick mobility. There have been some mixed feelings about this tablet, but with Android on the maps as well, the mobile office will have plenty of room to stretch.

Can Microsoft Break Through With Mobile Office?

There are still some questions that are being asked in regards to the mobile version of Microsoft Office, which is scheduled to be released sometime in early 2013. For one, there is wonder if this version will be fully touch-compatible or limited. It would certainly be in their interest to make sure that this is the case, especially since users of the mobile version will have to pay a premium price to use it in the first place.

According to The Verge, if people want to get all of the full benefits of Word, Excel and PowerPoint, they will have to get Office 365 Home Premium in which a monthly payment of $8.33 is required. On the enterprise level, if the company is serious enough with arming their employees with quick access to documents, there is no reason why such a premium can’t be paid for by them and not the employee.

Author Bio – Ezra Melino is a writer in modern technology and observes trends from Microsoft, Google and Apple. Any questions for Josephine can be asked in the comment section below.

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  1. Adam Jackson

    Windows may have come a long way in Mobile Technology.Microsoft office tools works great with android

    Awesome article . Thanks for posting:)

  2. Faceofit

    Microsoft is changing the way they look at their competitors. With the new CEO (Well not really new, its been 2 years) the focus have shifted to fully support the competitor platform with great Microsoft eco system and seamless transitions.

  3. Fred Harrington

    Great information. Microsoft Office 365 Home has incorporated the help of OneDrive. OneDrive is an online storage facility for your documents. Using OneDrive allows you to access your files from any computer or mobile device-anywhere. It’s a great way to cut the ties to your home office, or even your work desk.

  4. Aman Youssef

    Awesome article I agree with you ,microsoft office tools works great with android

  5. Cody Fox

    I really enjoyed this article and am an avid office user and trainer for Microsoft office.

  6. kumar

    very informative article i enjoyed a lot reading it actually Microsoft office work’s very good on android devices thank you for sharing such a informative article.

  7. Anime

    I heard Nokia will release new phone with android apps. Then how about the microsoft role here?

  8. Vito

    Microsoft should bring android and google support for their lumia phones and may be then it can have hug percentage of market share. Just leaving a thought here.

  9. Marcus

    I think it’s a good position but must be associated microsoft to achieve clear and concrete objectives. the user in mind, it is never good to close and look estratéticas alliances is something positive.

  10. John

    As you all know Microsoft office is a great tool.Moving on mobile devices will definitely make benefits.Thanks for sharing this information with us.

  11. rohan

    Wow..quite informative and well researched post… 🙂

  12. I don’t like windows 8 but the later version 8.1 I liked very much. As concerned with Office, I love it and my all business is based upon Microsoft Office. The way you described MS Office Suite is great. I will appreciate your skills.

  13. Very nice article Liked it very much 🙂

  14. vineet

    Office is a great tool and bringing it too mobile has been a great move. With competition we hopefully be able to see better office suits in the future

  15. Sometimes we forget they are giant in the tech field Nice, they must desire to introduce want their program in every electronic device possible.

  16. Autonomes Fahren

    Great data the time now has gotten changed in this present day innovations.

  17. Laura

    Windows may have come a long way in Mobile Technology, but I still don’t think they have anywhere near the support that Apple has with iPad.
    Thanks for the article! Food for through.

  18. raj

    really nice article. i enjoyed this article.Microsoft office is now free fro android device so it is very helpful to use in mobile.

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