Getting quality feedback for your Startup.

rest_area_croppedIn our efforts to drive conversations with our customers and garner quality feedback, we’ve added a new star ratings page to the site. The feedback page appears after a user signs out of the Creately application. The idea behind it is to provide a quick and simple mechanism for users to provide us with feedback – hence the intentional simplicity of the form.

The Challenge

Getting reliable and honest feedback from the user of a web application is one of the hardest things to achieve. I’m sure everyone reading this has received emails from other services, possibly days after the event, asking for their feedback. These surveys suffer from very low response rates. There are many reasons for this. Often when a feedback email arrives in your mailbox, you simply can’t be bothered to change tasks and complete the survey so it’s forgotten about. Or you can’t accurately remember what happened during the event you are being quizzed about. We are trying to combat this survey fatigue and the delay in accessing the user’s experience by providing this simple star rating and feedback box as soon as the user signs out of the application.


Creately Star Ratings

Our star rating system also has several benefits for everyone. Its completely anonymous – so you can write what you honestly feel. And since the user’s star rating is recorded via AJAX as soon as it is chosen, it allows us to gather this basic feedback immediately without waiting for a user to complete and submit the form. This way we still have the star rating to provide us with guidance on our progress here at Creately, even if you get distracted and dont submit the form.

To see the new feedback for you can sign in to Creately, get your diagrams done and then just sign out. If you don’t yet have an account please sign up for a private beta account.

I would also be interested to hear your thoughts on what makes a good user feedback system. We have some more ideas and will be trying them over the coming weeks -keep your eyes peeled.

@nick_foster or @creately

Photo Credit: boltron

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Nick Foster

I'm co-founder and COO of Creately and Cinergix. I am originally from the UK and now living in Melbourne, Australia. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and love being involved in shaping and growing Creately. You can follow me @nick_foster and don't forget to follow @creately.


  1. charan

    Great post Nick.

    Creately is focused on paying attention to our users. Another great service we use is Our community support forum – runs on Uservoice.

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