Is your online Sales Funnel leaking?

Leaking Sales Funnel

You’ve got traffic?

We normally use funnel diagrams to understand the flow of a user through our website, to the application, and then onto the purchase pages (or not). Some great tools are out there and just last week @Indu blogged about using Funnels & Goals in Google Analytics to better understand your funnel and conversion rates.

This week, we went and applied the same to our traffic funnel in three steps.

  • Identify how our potential customers find out about Creately. The ‘trigger’ to visit the site.
  • What their motivations are. Why are they here?
  • Identify the pages they land on, and craft a message that resonates with the visitor’s intent and motivations. This will achieve lower bounce rates and far better conversions in a funnel.

Ok, again: Being relevant is key. but how do we know what’s relevant unless we know what you want?

Map it out!

It’s easier to map this out in a diagram, and here’s ours – How People Discover Creately. Some of the bounce rates are guesstimates though.

We first identified the source for them to come to Creately, then we break them down by their motivations and where they would go on the site to what landing pages.

The next phase is to make sure the landing pages speak to them well and address their questions. That’s another post for another day 😉

Before I go back to more diagramming and numbers, do you find this approach useful? How do you look at your traffic funnel?


Image By: vrogy / CC3.0

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  1. Creately Blog » Is your online Sales Funnel leaking?…

    Kudos for a great SEO article – Trackback from SEOKudos…

  2. chandika

    Thanks Steve. Yes, to be truly effective we need to consider all the touch points.

    Understanding motivations is the hidden part though I think. As these users have different objectives when they come to the site. We need to pick the kind of objectives we want to meet and hit them with full force!

    Easier said that done though.

  3. That’s a little more than a sales funnel really buit very useful! I always try to map out the entire customer journey with all touchpoints (both on and off site) in a very similar way. Helps you find the areas that need improving or optimising, great for making you focus on the right areas!

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