When Designers and Copywriters Work Together, the User Wins
Why communication between copywriters and designers are essential

While I hate the business-speak cliché, “breaking down silos,” the idea that individuals and individual departments develop tunnel vision when they don’t work together bears repeating. As a former content strategist and full-time writer, I’ve worked within many an organization… Read More

Why are Wireframes so important?

While some of our recent posts walked you through the art of wireframing and its benefits, have you ever wondered why we’re going on and on about wireframes? Well the reason is rather simple. Wireframing is a valuable stage of… Read More

Wireframes and Mockups. Are they worth getting to know?

There’s a reason why we’ve implied (above) that both wireframes and mockups share a close relationship. But before (we explain, and) you get your brain all jittery with definitions, remember that figuring out what a wireframe and a mockup is… Read More

Effective Sitemaps for your Web Projects

At Creately we are all about increasing project efficiencies with Visual aids. We help other companies be more effective using visual tools, and now we are kicking off a series to share some insights. Over the next few weeks we… Read More