GAP Analysis vs. SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis template available at Creately

Both GAP analysis and SWOT analysis are used to evaluate businesses, but different aspects of businesses. However, the output from one can be used as input for another and vice verse. This article will give a brief introduction to both… Read More

Basics of Database Modeling with Creately

At the heart of database modeling is the idea of designing a database structure that defines how stored information can be accessed, categorized and manipulated. It’s the very foundation of a database design effort, and the specific data model employed… Read More

Flowchart Examples Available at Creately

Flowcharts are easier to draw compared to other diagrams, but it doesn’t hurt to have flowchart examples to get started quickly. It’s much easier to change an existing diagram than to draw one from scratch. Our users have access to… Read More

How to Use Gantt Charts to Plan Projects Like a Boss
A Gantt chart is an excellent way to track time and tasks

Project management is not an easy job. In general, 37% of projects fail while that number reaches around 60% for IT projects. There are so many contributing factors which need to be carefully monitored. The article will discuss how to… Read More

Real-Time Collaboration is Live !
Benefits of real-time collaboration makes them a must have tool

Three weeks ago we had the beta release of real-time collaboration in Creately and the feedback was amazing. We are really privileged to have committed users like you who are eager to help out by giving feedback. So after a very tiring… Read More