Real-Time Collaboration is Live !
Benefits of real-time collaboration makes them a must have tool

Three weeks ago we had the beta release of real-time collaboration in Creately and the feedback was amazing. We are really privileged to have committed users like you who are eager to help out by giving feedback. So after a very tiring… Read More

Creately Real-Time Collaboration for Diagramming
essential aspects of collaborative tools

If you thought online collaboration is awesome wait until you try real-time collaboration. This was our most requested feature with hundreds of requests, so I’m sure this will make lot of you happy. This takes diagramming to a whole new… Read More

Importance of Critical Path Method in Project Planing
Network diagram with Critical path highlighted

Critical path method is one of the frequently used techniques in project planning. A typical project has many tasks involving lots of different people so project managers have a hard time keeping track of things. It is far too easy… Read More

KWL Chart Templates by Creately
colorful KWL chart template

When it comes to classroom education, graphic organizers play a very important role. KWL charts are one of the most frequently used graphic organizer types. There are hundreds of teachers who use Creately, so we decided to give a helping hand… Read More

SWOT Analysis and PEST Analysis – When to Use Them

When planning a project it is important to learn about the internal and external factors that can affect the project. There are some excellent strategic planning methods that you can use analyze all these factors. SWOT analysis and PEST analysis… Read More

Benefits of Using Wire-Frames
A wire-frame of a mobile application

Wire-frames function as a bridge between raw creative thoughts and the final product. Think of wire-frames as architectural blueprints for a building and you’ll understand why it is a critical tool in just about any development project. The fact is,… Read More