Use Case Templates to Instantly Create Use Case Diagrams Online

Use Case Templates to Instantly Create Use Case Diagrams Online

A use case diagram is a great way to visualize the different users involved in a system and how those users interact with the system. There are many use case templates covering many scenarios listed down in this article. Navigate to the use case diagram that best fits your scenario and clicks on it to instantly modify it online using our use case drawing software. Let’s get started with the use case templates

Use Case Template of a Bank Transaction System

The diagram below shows a use case of a bank transaction system. If you’re visualizing how users interact with a bank transaction system then this is a good place to start. Click on the image to open it in our drawing tool and modify to fit your requirements.

Use case template for a bank transaction system

Use case template for a bank transaction system (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Diagram Template for a College Enrolling System

A simple template showing the system of student’s registration process in a college. This diagram isn’t as colorful as the previous one, although it has more of a professional look. Create your own college enrollment system by clicking on the template below.

Use case for a college enrollment system (Click on image to modify online)

Use case for a college enrollment system (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Hotel Management System

You can create use case diagrams with multiple subjects as shown in this template. This use case diagram visualizes the process of hotel management. This is a basic example, in reality, a hotel management system can have many actors and many interactions. But this is a good starting point.

Hotel management system use case template (Click on image to modify online)

Hotel management system use case (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Diagram Template for an Airline Reservation System

Airline reservation systems are very complex and it is reflected in this use case template for an airline reservation system. In a real life scenario, you’ll have more actors and interaction, but this template will help you get started.

Use Case Diagram Template for an Airline Reservation System

Use Case Diagram Template for an Airline Reservation System (Click on the image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Car Rental System

Want to rent a car for your road trip or for any situation?  You may need to look at this template in advance before you rush. This diagram illustrates the process of how a car rental system works. Click on the image to use this template.

use case templates - car rental system

Use case template for car rental system (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Diagram Templates for an ATM System

We all know how to withdraw cash from an ATM machine. But how many of you know how it actually works? Not all of us are tech geeks to know everything around us. This explains a systematic process of an ATM. You can modify it using our diagram editor.

Use Case Diagram Templates for an ATM System

Use Case Diagram Templates for an ATM System (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Hospital Management System

A hospital management system is another complex scenario that can be easily visualized with a use case. The use case template below only covers the part of the receptionist, but you can expand it by adding more actors , use cases and interactions.

Use Case Template for a Hospital Management System

Use case for a receptionist in a hospital (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Diagram Template for a Library Management System

This use case template is somewhat complex because we added a few more elements to it. This covers a typical user interaction in a library management system, but you can expand this to include wider scenarios.

Use case template for a library management system

Use case template for a library management system (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Telephone Catalog System

The use case template below depicts how a phone and online ordering system works. Here, only the first few use cases of the system are provided. You can use this as a template and add the next few use cases and actors to complete your phone and online ordering system.

Use Case Template for a Telephone Catalog System

Use Case Template for a Telephone Catalog System (click on image to modify online) 

Use Case Template for a Phone and Online Ordering System

The use case template below depicts how a phone and online ordering system works. Here, only the first few use cases of the system are provided. You can use this as a template and add the next few use cases and actors to complete your phone and online ordering system.

Use Case Template for Phone and Online Ordering System

Use Case Template for a Phone and Online Ordering System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Film Production System

This use case diagram template represents the system of a film production. Production of a film includes many participants and many actions. With a use case diagram, you can easily depict the interactions between these actors and use cases in a way that would make sense to the viewer. You can use this template and customize it to fit your own film production procedure.

Use Case Template for a Film Production System

Use Case Template for a Film Production System (click on image to modify online)

 Use Case Template for an Online Order System

The following use case diagram template shows an online order system. It explains how an online order system works when the buyer makes a purchase of a product online.  Click on the image and modify it to match your own online order system.

Use Case Template for an Online Order System

Use Case Template for an Online Order System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Vending Machine

A vending machine dispenses beverages, snacks, lottery tickets etc. to us automatically when  we insert credit. The following use case template portrays the relevant actors and their interactions with the functions of the vending machine system.   

Use Case Template for a Vending Machine

Use Case Template for a Vending Machine (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Restaurant Order System

When you place an order as a client, all you have to do is wait for your food to arrive. However, there’s a system of other functions that takes place behind the scene, once you place your order with a waiter. This use case diagram shows the involved actors and their interactions with the system clearly. You can click on the image and expand it as you want.

Use Case Template for a Restaurant Order System

Use Case Template for a Restaurant Order System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Payroll System

This use case diagram template shows a payroll system. The actors are represented through stick figures, but if it fits the characteristics, you can also use another symbol. The template can be modified easily according to the requirements of your own organization’s payroll system.

Use Case Template for a Payroll System

Use Case Template for a Payroll System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Video Rental System

This is a use case template of a video rental system. It includes actors and their associations with the functions within the system. You can click on the image to expand it further according to your needs.

Use Case Template for a Video Rental System

Use Case Template for a Video Rental System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for an Airport Check-In and Security Screening System

Here is a use case diagram template depicting an airport check-in and security screening system. A similar use case diagram can be used to represent a check-in and security screening system at other public places with high security. Click on the image and modify the data as per your requirements.

Use Case Template for an Airport Check-In and Security Screening System

Use Case Template for an Airport Check-In and Security Screening System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for Financial Trading System

Below is a use case diagram template of a financial trading system. Adding a color theme to your use case diagram like the one below is a good way to appeal to viewers and add more clarity to the diagram. Using Creately editor, you can change these colors as you wish. Click on the image to start modifying.

Use Case Template for Financial Trading System

Use Case Template for Financial Trading System

Use Case Template for a Stock Brokerage System                             

This diagram portrays the actors, functions and the interactions between them in a stock brokerage system. Click on the image to modify it according to your requirements.

Use Case Template for Stock Brokerage System

Use Case Template for Stock Brokerage System (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Cellular Network

This use case diagram template portrays a cellular network; a scenario of making and receiving calls. It clearly showcases how the two major actors (the user and the cellular network) interact with the functions of the system. Click on the image to make any changes you want.

Use Case Template for a Cellular Network

Use Case Template for a Cellular Network (Click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for an Online HR System

The use case diagram template below represents an online HR system. With the rapid advancement of technology, many companies have begun to automate their systems, and web-based HR systems are one good example of this change. This diagram simplifies the functions of an online HR system for you.

Use Case Template for an Online HR System

Use Case Template for an Online HR System (click on image to modify online)

Use Case Template for a Box Office System

This diagram template below is a use case of a box office system. It’s a fairly simple and a plain diagram. Using Creately editor, you can make changes to it; add a preferred color theme or expand it by adding more use cases.

Use Case Template for a Box Office System

Use Case Template for a Box Office System (click on image to modify online)

Listed above are some of the widely used use case scenarios. But you can find many more use case templates & examples in our diagramming community. We hope you make use of these use case templates to spend less time drawing and more time doing the actual planning.

More Diagram Templates

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Shiraz Samsoodeen

Gamer, Growing Blogger and Tech lover. He provides customer support at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. When not busy, he can be found either watching tv series or playing games. Follow him on Twitter


  1. shujat

    gud content nice info thx

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