10 Google Wave invites from Creately

wavelogoHere at Creately we’re passionate about providing great customer support. Graham, your favourite support guy, and the rest of the team work round the clock to ensure you have the best possible experience with our service.

As a follow up to our previous post on using Google Wave to deliver a new support experience, we are now happy to give away 10 invites to Google Wave, so you can try it out for yourself.

We just have 10 Wave invites to give away for the time being – so get on this immediately. We are definitely looking forward to inviting and supporting many more users as Google Wave grows.

So if you’re a Creately user, post a comment here or send us a mail if you’d like one. Once we send you a Google Wave invite, all you have to do is to add us to your contact list – creately@googlewave.com.

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

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Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


  1. Gareth

    Can Creately be embedded into wave? If so how?

    • nick

      Hi Gareth,

      Right now you can’t use Creately directly from within Googlewave. You have to visit https://creately.com/ to draw your diagrams.

      However I have just had a quick look online and it seems that it might well be possible to embed a flash/flex app into a Googlewave gadget – other people have already done this. So we’ll take a look and see what we can do – but at this time I don’t have an estimate of when. There might be unforeseen compatibility or security issues – I have heard that Googlewave doesn’t really provide any security controls.

      As I said best bet it to go to the Creately website for the time being and draw your diagrams there. If you publish the diagram you can share the http://create.ly/ link on Google wave with others, then when the diagram is updated others will see the new version.



  2. Could you develop something like:



  3. amyou

    bosism [at] gmail


  4. Adam

    Oooh oooh, mee mee… abreckler [AT] gmail [DOT] com

  5. changgyu

    Thanks. I also need a invitation.

  6. Jerry

    Dear please send me an invitation for google wave, i need it more so please please send me an invitation.
    I will really really thankul for you

    please plaese send me dear

  7. Aries

    Hello please send me an invite too at aries_veneficus@gmail.com Thank you

  8. Kit

    Hi could you send me one? kit_moncada@yahoo.com

  9. admin

    Cheers guys, but unfortunately we are only giving out invites to Creately users, so make sure you’ve registered for an account.

  10. Hi please send me an invitation my email is :
    mlbsaad [AT] gmail [DOT] com

    thank you

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by charanjit: RT @creately 10 Google Wave invites from Creately http://bt.io/BETe

  12. Anthony Ernst

    I need google wave.

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