Being Obsessed with Support

joy_jumping_optToday we received some great coverage on the tech blog Read Write Web. This has generated some support emails and feedback from people who are excited to be trying Creately and have questions. I was just answering a question and I realized providing support gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Here at Creately, we have discussed this a few times and we have always been of the opinion that superb Support is the only option we can provide to our users. Everyone who works on the support and feedback email has this view and it is what motivates us to answer peoples questions as soon as we receive them and go on to research and solve the problem.

We have set ourselves the goal of trying to resolve every user’s questions while he is still on his current Creately session. With this ambition in mind, we have started to look at the people, processes and software we use to engage with our customers – so we can deliver the best support experience available from an online software.

I would also just like to provide a little insight into the joy of support for me. I know in my heart that we have made and are continuing to create a fantastic diagramming application. We have often spoken about the problem that we are solving and discussed what our users would like to do. However when we have diagrams shared with us and we see them as attachments to support requests, it always brings a smile to my face to see how creatively people are using Creately.

Keep those suggestions, questions, ideas and diagrams coming 🙂


PS. Remember to visit our Community Support Site to share your ideas or vote for other users’ ideas.

Photo: Scott Ableman

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Nick Foster

I'm co-founder and COO of Creately and Cinergix. I am originally from the UK and now living in Melbourne, Australia. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and love being involved in shaping and growing Creately. You can follow me @nick_foster and don't forget to follow @creately.


  1. […] @creately’;tweetcount_via=false;tweetcount_border=’FF9600′;Here at Creately we’re passionate about providing great customer support. Graham, your favourite support guy, and the rest of the team work round the clock to ensure you […]

  2. […] online and offline. We feel we are now ready to provide a much larger user-base with the type of Support, that we at Creately hold so dearly. So to open up Creately to more of you, we needed to put in the people and resources to ensure you […]

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