6 Tips to Becoming an Effective Communicator
tips to becoming an effective communicator

Being an effective communicator is a skill successful entrepreneurs have mastered. It carries a lot of weight in business relationships and companies that demonstrate effective communication have a 50 percent lower employee turnover rate. Companies that put efforts into ensuring… Read More

12 Productivity Hacks for Entrepreneurs
productivity hacks for entrepreneurs

Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk… Isn’t it romantic to be entrepreneurs today? Those guys seem to come out of the top drawer of dreamers whose mission is to do good for us. Their lives look like fairytales, and they… Read More

12 Tips For Future Online Entrepreneurs
Future online entrepreneurs

Success is characterized by hard work, firm resolve and a lot of perseverance. But being a successful individual often means looking up to and learning from people who have achieved the goals they have set. Although finding a suitable mentor… Read More

What Entrepreneurs Should Know About Reading
Richard Branson might wow you with his impressive bookshelf

What do all successful entrepreneurs have in common? They read books. A lot. Warren Buffett devotes about 80% of each day to reading, Bill Gates strives to read one book a week, and Mark Zuckerberg needs two weeks to read… Read More

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from Revolutionary Technology
What entrepreneurs can learn from revolutionary technology

When the Big Bang happened 14 billion years ago, suddenly a whole new set of rules, a whole new set of dimensions—the groundwork for creation—burst into existence. And so it is with revolutionary technology. They enable outward expansion. They push… Read More