10 Futuristic Movies That Got It Right [Infographic]

These Top 10 Futuristic movies shown on the “big screen” tried to give us a foretaste of what it will be like living in the future will be like. Films can be a paradise for the imagination.  But have they always got it right? They were not always correct but still there have been many occasions that these movies surprised us by successfully predicting the advancement of technological changes in everything from automobiles, artificial intelligence, security, space travel, future life and even more. The creators of these movies in this infographic foresaw the technological advancement of the future even before anyone could think about it.

10 Futuristic Movie That Got it Right-Inforgraphic

Movies that foresaw the advancement of technology

1. The Star Trek television series has always showcased mind-boggling technology that stretches the imagination. Apart from hyper-drives and tele-porters, however, the series has also surprisingly foreseen and portrayed many technologies and devices that have become common appliances. One such invention was tablet device. Picard holds iPad in this clip from Star Trek: TNG Season 6 episode 4, titled Relics.

2. The Back to the Future franchise got some things right and many things wrong, but one that falls into the former category is wearable computing.  A device similar to Google glass appeared in the Back to the Future movie franchise. That’s right, Marty’ children are using devices that resemble Google Glass. So in the world of Back to the Future, Google Glass is invented ostensibly before the Internet.

3. In the underappreciated 1982 (Airplane II: The Sequel), there’s a scene where security agents monitor a body scanner in a futuristic airport. The joke is that the scanner shows the agents images of the passengers’ naked bodies as they pass through. Transportation Security Administration implemented the same scenario in airports (1992) and it wasn’t funny anymore. The government of USA asked the developers to replace the human body with a cartoon like dummy. Later it was removed from airports.

4. Adaptive braking and autonomous cruise control are already a reality for luxury cars. So in nearly 50 years, will cars reach full autonomy? The head of Stanford’s DARPA Urban Challenge team, which placed second in the driverless race, predicts self-driven cars by 2030. That deadline might feel a little tight, but 2054 is much more forgiving. Ford and Google have also jumped on the driver-less bandwagon by developing a car that takes over the steering wheel when you are about to crash, which is great news for drink drivers.

5. When we first saw Microsoft’s innovative multi-touch interface, Surface, The first thing that came in to our mind is “minority report”. And 3D displays, which were a key trend at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, are also on the verge of commercial viability. I’m not predicting a holographic, gesture-controlled computer in the near future. But if Surface is already available in 2007, it’s hard to imagine that we’ll be using mice and 2D monitors in 2030.

6. In the most famous trilogy Iron Man, Tony Stark controls the super intelligent computer named Jarvis with motion commands. This was a very exiting piece of concept how he managed to develop prototypes by using only motion controls. Since the first movie in 2008 it was a massive hit then in 2010, leap motion controller was introduced as product to the market.

7. The company iRobot who invented Roomba the vacuum robot was inspired by the movie star wars. When iRobot founders Helen Greiner and Colin Angle were kids, they each saw Star Wars, a film that would motivate them to change the world. The sexology influenced them so much that they created similar robots that were appeared in death star in star wars IV: New hope (1977).

8. HAL 9000 may be too smart for his own good. In the 60’s many AI researchers were extremely optimistic, predicting full machine sentience by the end of the millennium. But in the 40 years since the movie’s a space oddsy release, artificial intelligence has been a major disappointment. Yet recently when Apple introduced a clever and accurate voice recognition system called SIRI that recognizes your voice to respond with actions.

9. How many of you know/remember the 1985 movie Weird Science? For those of you that do not, it is a movie about 2 teenage boys creating a beautiful woman from a Barbie doll with the aid of some computer magic and some lightning. This was long back then when the 3D printing was not around. Now only production companies like SoftEther from Japan makes even 3D mannequins.

10. Man didn’t land on the moon until 1969, but 40 years prior (1929), the silent film Woman in the Moon showed what it might be like. There was a multi-stage rocket, media frenzy at the launch event, and a countdown leading up to the anticipated event.

Movie References : Star Trek, Back to the Future, Airplane II, Total Recall, Minority Report, Iron Man, Star Wars, A Space Odyssey, Weird Science, Women on the Moon

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Shalin Siriwardhana

Internet marketing enthusiasts and a tech blogger, started working for Creately handling e-marketing and blogging. I love to spend my time playing guitar and computer games when I’m not exploring the world of marketing, you can find me writing at shalin's marketing blog here. Follow @Creately for useful diagramming tips and tutes!


  1. Gale Kimbrell

    Some of them were really very good.

  2. Top Movies

    Great list! Some of these are more scary than they are exciting, but the gift of human creativity always astonishes me. I’m excited to experience the technology that was only a part of sci fi during my youth.
    Thanks for the interesting post!….

  3. Bhavdya

    Very nice list…!!!!! I always like to watch star trk because of the technology and graphics were amazing.

  4. Shane

    i Always like Futuristic film, cos that is the picture of our future.., cos many futuristic film come true in the future..

  5. Adam

    Its so hard to get a movie right, but when they do it, it becomes legendary!

  6. Young

    This awesome article has inspired me a lot which you have shared in this post. As I inform you that this useful post helps me a lot in my work because, recently; I have joined my new job in IT Sector and this awesome post inspired me a lot.
    Thank You…..!

  7. Alice

    The list of movie’s are awesome & those are also scare for me .although i don’t think that you have got the iron man!!


    I am thinking, after 10 to 20 years how we are with technological??

  9. Samantha

    Interesting article, thanks for sharing, keep up the good work.

  10. Samantha

    Your post is great, thank you for sharing too, this is one amazing list you got here, please keep up the great work.

  11. William Claire

    I really enjoyed reading your post. I thought your post was beautifully written

  12. Utsav Aggarwal

    Hi Shalin
    It is Really a great Article. No Doubt, Everyone here is big fan of star wars. My favorite is total Recall.
    Reading your post i get to know about more cool movies that I would like to watch.
    Well, We are Looking for more such article

  13. eqtinc

    Ah the internet of many things is so vast and awesome. its so cool to see the new changes tech has been making over the past 40 years. with 3D printers,3D scanners , smart phones and BLUE LIGHT SCANNING Great post!

  14. PankajSehoriya

    I like the Technology used in Iron Man series the most. It is just awesome.hanks Shalin, great and entertaining read. Funny to look back on those old movies and see them now in action!

  15. SAGAR

    Great list! Some of these are more scary than they are exciting, although i don’t think that you have got the iron man thing right!

  16. Thomas

    Not just tablet devices but Star Trek made popular the idea of a mobile phone in general.

  17. Vishal dadlani

    All science fiction movies can be futuristic or you can say that they imagine something in movies and engineers do it.

  18. Jenna

    Iv’e had a feeling Back to the Future had pieces of truth within it. Lol Maybe within my lifetime time travel will become a norm. Great movie.

  19. Del

    2001: Space Odyssey is my all time favorite but Siri is so lame, not even remotely close to super intelligent HAL.

  20. This is great, but it is now nearly the end of 2015 and I am still waiting for my hover board – Back to the Future II

  21. After 10 years. technology will go rocket’s velocity.

  22. Kanibal Brake

    I think, motion control still not enough…
    In Iron Man, they do with hologram. In Real life still use monitor…
    but, nice listing though…

  23. John

    Really interesting collection of movie lists. Amongst all the mentioned above list i like star trek because of its mind boggling technology.

  24. Malik

    I have really liked all these movies and have watched them more than one time.

  25. Jack

    I really hope Iron Man suit comes true within my lifetime…:)

  26. tarek

    great list a lot of memories 🙂

  27. Anamika

    Star trek is the best movie in this list. Hat’s off to Steve Jobs who invented the modern world, but don’t you think that technology have collapsed human capabilities?

  28. Anu

    Amongst all the mentioned above i like Star Trek the most. Visual effects used are mind blowing.

  29. William

    I’m going to pay more attention to current movies – their gizmos may end up coming to be true!

  30. Bryan

    Woah, this is amazing! I’ve been wondering how many gadgets from movies that actually exist in our time. I’m actually waiting for the hoverboard from Back To The Future. Great Scott, that would be awesome!

  31. lucy

    simply too awesome, as if they knew what will be innovated in the future and the gotten, though the structure is different but all for the same purpose.

    awesome article you put together.

  32. Anjali Rani

    WOMEN IN THE MOON was the best movie in this list. Yes the other movies are quite well, but this movie has surpassed all others by huge margin. What do you say?
    Thanks regards,
    Anjali Rani

  33. Priyank Pandey

    It hope movie “2012” must not go right in future. 😛
    btw nice articles and selections.

  34. Mike

    Thanks Shalin, great and entertaining read. Funny to look back on those old movies and see them now in action!

  35. Warren Zoell

    Actually the iPad idea came from 2001 a space odyssey not Star Trek.

  36. Kelsey

    Awesome!! Looks like the future is really upon us It’s exciting to see what else is coming.

  37. David

    Future technology will always have impact on society its up to us if its bad or good.

  38. Anders Rodland

    Hey Shalin, last time I watched that episode of Star Trek I said to myself, hey I already have that iPad. Very cool.

    Do you remember the replicator? That scanned an item and replicated it? We also have that invention now with 3D printers.

  39. adnanarsalan

    I’m a movie lover boy especially scientific movie . Most of the movies I have already seen what has been listed over here . These movies maker were really unprecedented and they conducted everything so appropriately that i felt like roam around the future .

  40. Enric

    Hey Friend,
    Thats an amazing post and for that i wish that all what is shown in the Movies would get Real one Day and Michael i do agree with you Friend that it is a Great List and a very good and informative infographic and would love to experience these Things in real when they all would be available in Public

    By the way thanks for writing this wonderful and informative post !

    My site Hit Movies Mania

  41. Funny – noticed John Luke on The Next Generation using a pad a few months back! I was wondering how they got it so ‘right’ lol. Looks more like an android than an Apple Though!
    Great article,
    ( I used to love the Airplane movies – hilarious! )

  42. Skylo

    Nice collection, makes me look more careful at recent syfy movies.

  43. Nimesh

    Thanks for the amazing movie collection. awesome Shalin.

  44. Matt

    I am still waiting for ET. :3

  45. naveen

    I agree with Micheal. It is interesting though but scary also. Hope the future technology will be used for the human benefits and not against them.

  46. Aman

    Amazing collection of movies. I like the Technology used in Iron Man series the most. It is just awesome.

  47. I agree with Micheal. It is interesting though but scary also. Hope the future technology will be used for the human benefits and not against them.

  48. Michael Levanduski

    Great list! Some of these are more scary than they are exciting, but the gift of human creativity always astonishes me. I’m excited to experience the technology that was only a part of sci fi during my youth.
    Thanks for the interesting post!

  49. Dave

    A long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

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