Adding Creately Diagrams to Google Code and Google Project Hosting

After a recent comment on the original Creately Diagram Viewer post I thought it would be a good idea to follow up with a full post to help all the other Creately users who also use Google Code and Google Project Hosting.

Google Code projects allow you to add Google Gadgets to the Wiki for the project. This means that you can add your Creately diagrams of the design, features and UI mockups for your project to the Wiki for all the project members to see and work with.

Creately Diagram Embed Code Google Code Projects

Due to the way that gadgets work in the Google Code Wiki there is an intermediary handler which means that the document ID that you want to display gets lost during the rendering if you use the regular variable names. In order to fix this it is possible to use the wiki markup similar to this:

<wiki:gadget url="" height="500" width="500" border="0" up_did="gcqjqs762" up_dlogo="true" up_dtitle="Embedding in Google Code" up_bgcolor="#EEEEEE" />

The variables of interest are:

  • up_did – The Creately diagram ID that you would like to see rendered in the wiki page.
  • up_dlogo – Display the Creately logo, either “true” or “false” – leaving it true gives us some promotion 😉
  • up_dtitle – Sets the title for the diagram – you don’t need to worry about this for the Google Code wiki as it won’t be seen.
  • up_bgcolor – The background colour behind the diagram being shown in the player. The default is: “#EEEEEE” and looks pretty good.

The size of the player in the wiki can be changed using the “width” and “height” variables – they set the size in pixels.

You can see a working example of the viewer in a project wiki here.

Thanks to Niels for posting the original comment which led to this post – you can see his Google Code project here.



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Nick Foster

I'm co-founder and COO of Creately and Cinergix. I am originally from the UK and now living in Melbourne, Australia. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and love being involved in shaping and growing Creately. You can follow me @nick_foster and don't forget to follow @creately.

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