Do you Google Wave?

wavelogoThe beginning of October saw the release of invites to the Google Wave preview. I signed up for the early developer sandbox access right back when Google Wave was first announced. I found the sandbox fine for development but not very useful for regular early adopters or businesses wanting to actually use it. In fact it might have been considered a bit of a fishing trip by Google to try and determine the quality use-cases for Google Wave. It seems that just providing what email might be like if it was launched today has not really been enough to capture the imagination of people. Ross Hill has written an interesting article on how Google Wave worked for him and his co-workers and what aspects of Google Wave make it appealing. However it is interesting to note that the use-cases he highlights could easily be achieved through other Internet tools already available (Etherpad springs to mind as well as regular threaded emails) which are simpler to understand. Life hacker have a whole heap of other use cases that you might like to check out.

I’m sure you all know by now that we are passionate/obsessed about supporting our users. We currently provide everyone with 24 hour support and reply to all your queries as quickly as possible. Even with this in place, we are always looking for new ways to reach out to our customers and answer your Creately questions and queries quicker. There is nothing more annoying than having to ask a question through a support system and then having to wait days for a reply only to not finish the task and having to go back to it later. This kind of thing can really reduce your task or project closures.

The customer support Google Wave use-case is a very strong draw for us and quite possibly the best use-case we have right now for Google Wave. The ability for a Wave to easily support images (in our case screenshots of your issue), multiple users (so we can help an entire team at once) and real-time collaboration (again to get you going quicker) makes it ideal for support.

Therefore starting immediately you can send us your support waves through Google Wave using our Wave address: (note this won’t work through traditional email) – we will always try to be online but if we aren’t there just send the wave to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. We realise that not many of you will have a Google Wave account right now, but if Wave proves as successful as Google hopes this won’t be the case for long. So when you get your Google Wave account please give us a go.

Finally, can you think of any other Google Wave use-cases for Creately? Perhaps you have an idea which will help you, us and all the other Creately users.


Image taken from Google Wave API page.

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Nick Foster

I'm co-founder and COO of Creately and Cinergix. I am originally from the UK and now living in Melbourne, Australia. I have always been interested in entrepreneurship and love being involved in shaping and growing Creately. You can follow me @nick_foster and don't forget to follow @creately.


  1. […] a follow up to our previous post on using Google Wave to deliver a new support experience, we are now happy to give away 10 invites to Google Wave, so […]

  2. Pascal

    And do you happen to get wave invitations ?

    • nick

      Hi Pascal,

      At the moment we haven’t received any new invites for it. I can only suggest signing up here and hopefully they will send you one. I know they have recently been sending them out quite quickly.



  3. You’re right – Wave doesn’t necessarily satisfy any new use cases, but it does provide a single (big) platform that everyone can connect to. Facebook’s platform has been good for personal social stuff, and I think we’ll see Wave evolve to fill that space for the enterprise in particular.

    I’m curious to see whether extensions and gadgets will see any viral loops as the Wave platform grows.. since it should be fairly easy to use and spread them.

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