How to Protect Yourself When Working Remotely
Stay connected for better collaboration

Working remotely has become increasingly more common, given the popularity of the internet and the range of technology currently available. Whether you’re a freelancer, CEO of a company or just doing business remotely while traveling, there are a few things… Read More

5 Tips to Engage and Motivate Your Employees
Engaged and Motivated Employees

Engaged employees enthusiastically involve themselves in their work and with their employer as they collaborate to achieve common goals. During 2015, in the United States, slightly less than one-third of all workers were engaged, creating dangerous workplace challenges. Important factors… Read More

How Remote Working Can Help to Grow Your Startup
How Remote Working Can Help

The number of startups working remotely is on the rise with a growing number of micro businesses allowing their employees to work from home in order to reduce costs, boost employee satisfaction and gain a competitive edge. In this post,… Read More

10 Helpful Tips to Achieve Work Life Balance
Elements need to achieve work life balance

Jacob was only 35 when he was diagnosed with acute depression. He was promoted a year back and was leading a team of developers. His career was on the rise. He had more reasons to cheer at home – he… Read More

4 Tips to Build Your Brand to the Next Level
4 tips to build your brand

Building a brand can feel like going back to middle school. You want to be popular and you want people to like you. But at the same time the harder you try to connect with others, the more they shy… Read More

Why People Miss Deadlines and How to Avoid Missing Them

As a wise man once said “I love deadlines, I particularly like the sound they make as they go flying by”. Sounds funny right? But its a profound statement with serious implications. Go through any project plan that last a considerable… Read More