Say Hello to the NEW Creately!

We just released a brand new Creately!

We’ve completely re-built Creately from the ground up. We’ve re-thought how to solve the problem of #workingVisually and re-engineered the product taking a fresh approach. And to deliver this message more effectively, we’ve updated our brand and our core message to align with our future direction.

That’s a lot of new stuff. Let’s rewind for a second.

Why are We Here?

Almost a decade ago, we started Creately because creating and collaborating on diagrams was very hard work. Our simpler, yet comprehensive approach to diagramming was loved by users worldwide. It set the standard for easier diagramming on the cloud for the last few years.

Now, we are introducing for the next wave of change.

At the core of all diagrams and visuals, you are trying to simply get an idea out. A rough idea, which then needs to be structured, detailed and presented in a form that others understand and can work around.

So, we at Creately have now made it our mission to be the ‘Simplest way to visualize ideas’. We have worked on helping teams and individuals get their ideas/concepts/plans out exactly the way they imagine, with minimal effort.

Though it sounds easy to say, it is a lofty goal. If we were able to read your mind, we’d do just that!

As we are not there (yet), we are going to settle at almost reading your mind, and present you sensible and simple choices as you try to visualize your ideas.

If more of us improved on communicating our ideas as exactly as we imagine, we’d be moving mountains. To do that, more of us need to #workVisually.  To get more people to #workVisually we need to give you tools that are a joy to use and work perfectly. We also need to convince more people that taking the Visual route will get you far better results than typing out a 2000 word report.

This change of behavior is a big deal!

To get that message across, we are super excited to share with you our updated brand.

A New Brand, A New Approach

New Creately Logo

The new Creately brand shows our purpose of driving results through visualization by combining people’s best ideas on a common canvas.

Our website has been redesigned to reflect the new brand and approach. You will find it simpler to navigate and find the details of the capabilities and features Creately offers.

Our new template gallery and the solutions pages are a great resource for ideas on how to apply #workingVisually in your role, whether you are in Software development, Engineering, Marketing or HR or even in Education. #workingVisually applies to all areas and types of work. Do take a look!

The Product!

This. The new Creately. We are so thrilled to finally bring this new product to you. We hope you are as excited to use it! 🙂

The first thing you’ll notice (if you’ve been an earlier customer) is that “NO MORE FLASH”! And yes,  Creately now works beautifully on all modern browsers without needing any plugins whatsoever.

You’ll then notice that the interface is really super simple. It’s easier to find shapes (try the search) and it’s easier to draw. Draw anything you want, exactly the way you want it, with whomever you want to, share it with them, really really fast.

This new version is full of detailed features that will make you and your team’s lives a magnitude easier. This post will be way too long if we go into everything, so here’s our philosophy on what’s priority:

• Simplicity: We wanted you to have the simplest way to create any visual content. The new ‘plus-create’ feature, quick access styling toolbars are just the tip of the iceberg making this possible.

• Speed: Speed is a function of simplicity and goes hand-in-hand with how well the product works. We’ve given this serious thought and priority.

• Flexibility: You have absolute control of everything on the canvas. Precision controls for even changing hair color on an icon. You also have an infinite canvas to work on. More power to you! 

• Collaboration first: Content you create is meant to be shared. So collaboration whether it’s real-time or back and forth, it’s supported from the get-go.

Honestly though, there is nothing like experiencing the app itself. So we invite you to go try the new Creately and see our 100s of new features on show!

What’s  Next

This is just day one.

We are releasing this product quite early. We’ll continue to add more features and capabilities from our long list of ideas. There is more branding and communications work to be done to pass on our message to the world. And there are definitely more blog posts to be written explaining our visual journey and help you through your visual journey.

We have an ambitious roadmap with more updated apps, category-defining capabilities, and integrations. 

What we present to you today, forms a solid foundation for a new way to think and #workVisually.

We cannot wait to see what you bring to life with Creately.

The Creately Team

Download our all-new eBook for tips on 50 powerful Business Diagrams for Strategic Planning.


  1. Deepak

    how do we transfer licenses to desktop versions on different computers?


    I am testing the new version online and it is great.
    I am wondering if the illustrations made in the online application can be synchronized with the desktop I bought.
    Thanks for your attention

  3. Jay Williams

    Good afternoon. When trying to use the mobile or tablet app to view the document I made on the browser, the document is not listed in any folder or by search. In the mobile app, there’s only example templates in folders like “my home project” and “infographics” titled things like “Astrid company structure” which aren’t there in the browser. Is there something I need to do on the browser to be able to view the document I made on the mobile app? Thanks!

    • Amanda Athuraliya

      Hi Jay, right now the mobile app doesn’t support Creately Next, which is why you are having issues with viewing your documents. We are working on this and we will share more details on this soon.

  4. Pelle

    Will you allow expanding and collapsing entities in a diagra and let us do deeper architecture diagramming from overview to a simple system entity? I want then export the whole architecture to a clickable interaktive archotecture diagrams.


    • Amanda Athuraliya

      Interesting use case! We do not have collapsing sections in the roadmap but this is something we will be looking at if enough users want this. Can you suggest it at

  5. Carlos Montanez

    Nice job on the implementation of your new brand and logo. It looks awesome.

  6. eric

    nice relaunch! any plans when the new confluence plugin goes online?

    • Amanda Athuraliya

      Hi Eric, thanks and hope you are enjoying the new Creately. We are working on the Confluence plugin and should be able to ship an upgrade towards Q4 of 2019. We will share more details on this soon.

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