New features and fixes: new languages, shape dimensions and bug fixes

Hot on the heels of our Confluence and JIRA plugins, we got some sweet news today. Unlike our usual slew of releases, we got some incredible updates for both Creately Online and Creately Desktop, which you should grab hold of asap! Remember how we told you about how Creately got faster with its response time some time back? Well, now we’re eager to let you know that we put in some hard work to sort out quite a few ugly bugs for good. All this, just so you can expect your favorite diagramming app to offer you uninterruptedintuitive, and easy and fast diagramming with just a click or two.

Why Online & Desktop are better than ever

The biggest news we have is that we have added on more languages to our online and desktop apps. As you know, this new initiative has seen some steady progress this year. Thanks to our Localization Program, we’ve got Russian, French and Spanish covered.

Yet what we are really happy to announce the Object Dimensions feature that is part and parcel of the latest release. Now you can tap in and get the right dimensions accordingly.

Additionally, issues that are related to License and License Activation reported by some of our users have been sorted out. Also bug fixes pertaining to issues around connectors and anchors not loading as they were saved were taken care of.

We appreciate all the bug reports you guys have consistently sent us and we’re hard at work to make sure Creately is that much smarter to work on.  Sometimes it’s those small details that can make a world of difference, which is why we’re all for constant improvement; if there are certain things you want specifically improved, you’re more than welcome to pop us a tweet or send us an email.

Download our all-new eBook for tips on 50 powerful Business Diagrams for Strategic Planning.



Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


  1. Moti

    I’m new to evaluating Creately. This sounds like an awful lot of bugs. Is this typical??

    • Hi Moti,
      Thanks for the comment. Like any complex and feature rich piece of software there are bugs which can occasionally appear. Our Developer and QA teams do significant amounts of testing and combined with careful design and automated testing in-house we try to ensure that nearly all potential bugs are removed and never make it to production. As it says in the blog post we take all reports of issues and bugs seriously and investigate every single one of them – I personally often am the initial point of contact for users through our support ticket system and make sure that bugs/issue and improvements are all logged.
      As an organisation we are built on trust and keeping everyone informed. That is why when we improve something within Creately or fix a bug we will tell you. Often the bugs are limited to very specific scenarios or sequences of events, therefore it is important to remember that often you will never have even seen the bug and the first you hear about it is during one of our announcements. I hope that sets your mind at ease. We will continue to improve and make sure nothing comes between you and your enjoyment of or productivity with Creately

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