Infrastucture Upgrade & Bug Fixes – Nish Review

Welcome back and thanks for bearing with us over the weekend as overhauled our infrastructure to bring you a faster, better service.

Infrastructure Improvements

1) No Sign-up Required

Now you can try Creately without signing-up for a Creately account. With this new release, visitors to can start creating beautiful diagrams online without giving us their email addresses and personal information. Visitors will not be able to save their work or share their diagrams, but if they like what they see in Creately – we’ve made it easy to sign-up and return to the Creately application to continue with their work. (Of course we’ll be running an A/B test to study the impact this has on our conversion rates and will  share our findings with the community at a later date.)

2) Credit Card Processing

For the many of you who’ve tried subscribing to Creately but didn’t have a Paypal account, we’ve set up an international merchant account with the National Australian Bank. It took many hours of negotiations and hard work – but we were determined to go with the best to assure our customers that their data is protected to the highest standards. You can check out and purchase Creately by Credit Card here.

3) Database

Another important thing we needed to do as Creately’s user base grows ensure our back-end systems scale well with user growth. As part of this new release we have upgraded to a new version of MySQL, significantly increased the capacity of our servers as well as optimised the Creately database for better performance. This should get Creately working faster than ever – cutting down load and save times.

4) API

As part of our plans to launch our new partner API, we’ve modularized the Creately application to support easy embedding of our diagram editor into partner applications. We’ll be announcing new partnerships in the coming weeks, so watch this space for some very exciting developments.

Creately Bug Fixes

1) PDF issues

Quite a number of you have sent feedback regarding the PDF exports generated by Creately. Some of you wanted full-page PDF exports while many others requested for better quality exports. The team has worked hard on the export issues – improving the overall quality of the PDF files as well as adding a new feature to export PDFs in the same size as the diagram canvas.

2) Diagram Embeds

We’re had reports of problems with the Creately diagram embed code. We’ve fixed this now – so you can easily embed Creately’s auto updating embeds anywhere.

3) Deleting Diagram Comments

Now you’re able to delete any comment on a Diagram as long as you’re the owner of the comment.

That’s all for this week – expect another release in a week with exciting new announcements.

Download our all-new eBook for tips on 50 powerful Business Diagrams for Strategic Planning.

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