Top 5 Community Diagrams of the Week!

Over the past few days we sat down and checked out the huge set of community diagrams created by our Creately users. We thought it would be cool to choose from a superb selection of quality diagrams and share with the rest of the Creately fraternity, how innovative these really are. So without any further ado, here are our favorite 5 diagrams illustrated via the Creately Diagram Viewer!

5. Fly Like a Boss Poster Diagram

Here’s a fun poster diagram on how you can travel like a boss done by Justin Moskowitz. Simple and funny, we really did enjoy the tongue-in-cheek tips!

4. What is a Hero Flowchart

As another user, namely Mr Hamelin demonstrates, here is a really interesting flowchart defining what a hero is.

3. Company Organizational Chart

The example below by Jonatus Correa is a really nice org chart, set out rather effectively using the vast palette of color present in Creately.

2. Research Proposal Mindmap

Creately really does help you draw detailed and informative mind maps and this second example of a Research Proposal mindmap by Raul La Torre is an excellent case in point.

1. Case Paperwork Processing Workflow Diagram

Finally, there is a workflow diagram showcasing a “Case Paperwork Processing Queue” drawn by Matthew Ferry.

We hope you’re smitten with these examples as much as we are. We urge you to check out some of the many examples that we have, as well. In the coming few weeks, we’ll start featuring some creative community diagrams that is of truly excellent quality in this space.

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Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.

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