plan projects better with gantt charts

5 Reasons to Use Gantt Charts (Uses of Gantt Charts)

As there are many uses of Gantt charts, thousands of companies use Gantt charts to become more productive, enhance their communications, forecast over the long term and track results. While some naysayers believe they limit the size of the project that can be tracked, those using Gantt charts note an array of key benefits, including the five listed here.

Gantt Chart Advantages

While there are a number of reasons to use Gantt charts below are five key reasons they are often advantageous:

  1. Avoid Completion Confusion: Gantt charts were created to keep users on track, providing a visual timeline for starting and finishing specific tasks. By providing a visual overview of milestones and other key dates, these charts are thought to offer a more understandable and memorable method of maintaining timescale-based tasks and deliverables whether tracked on a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly basis. Below diagram shows the power of visualization found in Gantt charts. In a glance you can see that the interviews are done, there 50% more to do in training etc.

    Use Gantt charts to keep track of tasks and key dates

    A Gantt chart template available at Creately ( click to use as a template )

  2. Keep Everyone on the Same Page: Where there is a visual framework for the work to be done, there are fewer chances for misunderstanding, especially when it comes to highly complex tasks. Using Gantt charts allow all types of stakeholders to have the same information, set mutually understood expectations, and conduct their efforts according to the desired protocol.
  3. Understand Task Relationships: These charts can make clear how various tasks are interrelated and perhaps rely on the completion of another to meet specific objectives. These task relationships revolve around understanding the timing of each task, which then impacts other tasks listed. This can better assure the optimum work flow, maximized productivity and overall project success.

    A Gantt chart helps you easily visualize related tasks

    A Gantt charts makes it very easy to visualize related tasks

  4. Effectively Allocate Resources: By being able to look ahead on the Gantt chart, users can clearly discern where resources need to be anticipated, allocated or shared to maximize the use of those resources. The more closely the chart is followed, the better chance there is of keeping project costs within budget while also better assuring on-time completion.
  5. Get a Handle on the Future: While it is often easy to get caught up in day-to-day tasks as detailed on a chart, Gantt chart advantages include helping decision-makers look farther ahead to ensure each given project is working toward the achievement the organization’s long-term strategic objectives.

Create a Gantt Chart now !! We’ve made it easy for you >>

What about Gantt Chart Limitations?

For those Gantt chart cynics mentioned earlier, this method is not designed to be the cure-all for an organization’s project management ills. There are some situations where other tools may indeed be more effective – particularly in scenarios when a particular milestone or critical task is missing because the project manager didn’t include. Other limitations include the inability to include certain constraints like time, scope, and costs. Overall, however, Gantt chart advantages have been realized by all types of organizations for applicable applications.

Use Gantt Charts More Effectively Using Creately

One reason people are reluctant to use Gantt charts is that of the lack of drawing tools. They usually come packaged with expensive project management tools which are not suitable for simple Gantt charts. Creately makes it very easy to draw Gantt charts by providing you Gantt chart templates and simple drag and drop interface to draw Gantt charts.Detailing a project schedule or a sequence of events timeline is made easier than ever before with this intuitive and feature-rich Web-based software that facilitates chart creation, collaboration and completion in short order. Check out Creately Gantt charts.


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Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


  1. Proggio

    Using free Gantt chart templates saves you money. It also will cost you extra time in chasing after the team for progress updates, in task management, and in basic project management functions like workload balancing.

  2. Constantine

    i just want to know “when we should developed gantt chart”.

  3. Mark Reynolds

    Very helpful indeed. Keep it up.

  4. adam

    this article is very informative and easy to understand thanks for sharing

  5. Karina

    Another advantage i see in Gantt charts is high visibility. It’s very good for tracking status of workflows by your customers and you personally.
    In GanttPRO there are two perfect features such as intuitive user interface and 360 view of my projects with a critical path and zooming.

    In Wrike you can work with a huge projects,

    In MS Project is for big companies but i still can not understand why MS is so popular, There are no adding comments to the task, you can not attach file, share link, assign owner of the task.

  6. Layek

    wow this article is so helpful, thank you very much! keep posting the great stuff


  7. Ye Paul

    Thank you Nishadha….I am shocked when I ask around and people STILL tell me that they do not use Gnatt charts. Can you believe that?

  8. Matt Arney

    Nishadha you are really informative and I got lots of information as project manager as well. From those its very important avoid completion confusion. Thanks Nishadha

  9. Dolph Hoover

    Hello Nishadha, this seems to be a very informative. Gantt charts can be very helpful to assure that you’re right on track when it comes to organizing plans. But still, it is up to team chemistry to function well. If several problems and issues weren’t talked over clearly then charts or systems no matter how large the tendencies of it to succeed will fail. Still, proper communication is still needed to be at play here in order for this procedure to be effective.

  10. Madhu Agrawal

    Very helpfull article to plan for Project management. In India we also deal with Callido learning which provides an interactive online course which gives you the key skills and complete confidence to succeed in the International Baccalaureate Diploma program and make the most of it. Also helps you in IB Subject Selection: Which subjects are better to choose? The IB is a wild ride – are you prepared?

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  11. Manish K

    I am a PCB designer and also a project manager. I find this article very helpful. Project management is an art and all these tools are like artist’s arsenal. I keep on looking for such tools which help immensely to a project manager.

  12. Himanshu

    Thnx for the info. About gantt
    It will hlpful for me nd my organisation…

  13. Allie Cook

    Gantt charts are greatly helpful in proper planning, management, execution and tracking over projects. There are some enterprising project management tools which have inbuilt Gantt charts in them like proofhub, smartsheet and teamgantt.

  14. Ola

    This is great. Thank you for sharing this with us. I found it useful.

  15. sharon

    I realized the importance of a good graphical presentation when I started working as a project manager. For a better overview of projects, GANTT and Burn Down Charts are good options. My company uses project management software which offers different project views.

  16. Great One.. I found i so useful .. Keep going . I Also write about IT in my Own blog .. Search You Are Such A computer Guy

  17. Thanks for your informative issues I like it so much

  18. Vishan

    Can u plz give one example each for the 5 advantages

  19. Hi Nishadha,
    Great overview and thank you very much for referring back to our Gantt software blog. Highly appreciated.

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