Use Shared Projects as Libraries for Faster Diagramming

How can we make it better ? How can we improve the sharing mechanism? We had a thought about this and we are excited to introduce the projects as libraries feature. This means you can draw a bunch of diagrams, group them as a project and reuse those diagrams as objects.This is a powerful feature that makes it very easy to reuse existing diagram drawn by you and other users. How do you convert shared projects to libraries ? All you need is a single click. Bit similar to Community browser but more powerful and opens up endless opportunities.

Adding Shared Projects as Libraries

All you need is one click. Simple open the shared project and click “Open as Library” button.

Use shared projects as libraries in Creately

Convert Shared Projects into Libraries in One Click ( click to view larger image )

Example on How to Use Shared Projects

Below example shows how users can take advantage of this powerful feature.

Use Shared Projects as libraries

Ann creates websites footers and shares them


Use shared projects as libraries

David creates website headers and shares them


Using Shared Projects as libraries

Diagrams available to me as objects so I can reuse them

Above is just one example but there are plenty more scenarios possible. But with so many diagram types available the possibilities are endless. This is taking team work and project sharing to the next level. So head over to Creately and give them a try and as always don’t forget to leave feedback via Facebook , Twitter and support mails.

Download our all-new eBook for tips on 50 powerful Business Diagrams for Strategic Planning.



Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


  1. Nishadha

    Hi Davey,
    Thanks for the feedback. We will definitely add some videos and tutorial in the future.
    – Opening a new document when you add a library can be done, but what if the user is already working on a document and just want to add it as a library ? There could be more scenarios as well. So we thought it is better to add them as a library and not change anything in the drawing area.
    – “Get More Objects” lists down standard object libraries available to all Creately users. Shared objects varies according to users.
    Hope this answers your questions and thanks again for the feedback 🙂 .

  2. Davey

    Great to see this feature, although the implementation of it seems to be a little bit clunky. Could you give some more details/tutorials. When clicking ‘Open as Library’ it does open all diagrams in the project as Objects, but just opens without a document to work on, meaning you have to click the ‘New’ toolbar icon to work on a document. Would it not be more in keeping with existing methods to just list these ‘libraries’ under the ‘Get More Objects’ window?

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