Creately Real-Time Collaboration for Diagramming

If you thought online collaboration is awesome wait until you try real-time collaboration. This was our most requested feature with hundreds of requests, so I’m sure this will make lot of you happy. This takes diagramming to a whole new level and will definitely improve the productivity of teams. Multiple people can work together in a diagram and everyone can see the changes others make in real-time. This makes it possible to give instant feedback and makes it that much easier to make decisions. The marketing team used it for one of our meetings and I just loved it and I’m sure you will love real-time collaboration too.

Creately now has real time collaborations

Get things done faster with real-time collaboration

It’s Still in Beta, But Don’t Let That Stop You

We’re fine tuning the process so it isn’t available by default. But we understand that some of you just can’t wait to try new features. If you are one of those eager ones you can manually enable real-time collaboration in Creately. Go to the “My Profile” tab in your Creately account. There you will see a check box like below. Check the box, log off and log-in to use real-time collaboration.

Check the box to enable real time collaboration

Enable real-time manually using the check box

Benefits of Real Time Collaboration

It’s fun, but there are many benefits to using real-time collaboration.

  • Saves time – No need for back and forth email communications and unnecessary meetings. Work on the diagram together and see the changes made by others. Instantly make decisions in agreeable to everyone.
  • Reduce costs – People on different locations can work together in real-time. Ideal tool if you have employees working from home or sub contractors working elsewhere in the world. Work with customers right inside your office and save time and travelling costs.
  • No multiple versions – Now when you are collaborating with another colleague or friend at the same time, you both wont end up with two different versions of the diagram since you both are seeing each others changes while you are making it. Saves you from much trouble.
  • No conflicts in changes – Since there wont be multiple versions there wont be changes to the documents that conflict with each other. When you are real-time collaborating you can make decisions as you are changing the diagram talking to your collaborator. This will avoid conflicts in changes. later.
  • Works on Desktop too – It doesn’t matter if you are using Creately Desktop. The greatness of real-time will come to you soon as well. All you need to do is make sure you have internet when opening the diagram and you will be collaborating real-time!

Your Thoughts about Real Time Collaboration

So like I said, we are in Beta and we really want to know what you guys think about this new feature. We get really excited when we see a mail from you 🙂 If you have any ideas or suggestions please drop us a message . If you come across any problems, do let us know and we will quickly look into it. In the meantime enjoy real-time collaboration !.

Download our all-new eBook for tips on 50 powerful Business Diagrams for Strategic Planning.



Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


  1. […] software like Creately with it’s real-time collaboration features makes it even easier. A designer can initially create the document and share it with […]

  2. […] taken up the time to implement Real-time Collaboration for Creately. Right now the feature is in Beta and can be used by anyone who wishes to take it for a spin. The real question is why did we not do […]

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