Access Creately with ease, thanks to OpenID

Keeping up with the spirit of simplicity, we’ve made accessing Creately’s diagramming world easier thanks to using OpenID. Now it’s just a matter of logging in using your Google, Google Apps, Facebook or Twitter account to tap into a platform that offers you easy diagramming. There’s no more hassle involved in trying to remember that lengthy tongue-twisting password. :0)

What’s pretty cool is that even if you are a first-time user, you can try Creately for free using your Facebook, Twitter or Google accounts, without going through the hassle of entering your details. This move by Creately to enable you easily register and login to Creately is just the start and will expand to other services in future. Eventually, we will be able to enable features to utilize your Facebook, Twitter or Google data to simplify your experience whatever it is that you are doing (Example: Share diagrams with your Facebook friends).
So what is OpenID really? Its a concept/standard used for mostly letting one service authenticate or validate a user for another service. So when you use Facebook to login to Creately, Facebook is simply telling us that you are a real person and we can create an account for you in Creately. Every time you login to Facebook, you can simply access your account in Creately as well since we have bound your Facebook account with Creately Account. Creately will not be able to access any of your data unless you specifically provide access to them as shown in above image. As of now, OpenID has over one billion OpenID enabled user accounts and over 50,000 websites accepting OpenID for logins. It really is easy to see why this concept is gaining adoption quite rapidly in cyberspace.
Download our all-new eBook for tips on 50 powerful Business Diagrams for Strategic Planning.



Software engineer turned tech evangelist. I handle marketing stuff here at Creately including writing blog posts and handling social media accounts. In my spare time, I love to read and travel.


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