The Creately Diagram Viewer is all Grown Up!

We just upped the ante on sharing diagrams on the web and we are completely psyched about it. We think we’ve gotten the perfect blend of functionality for you to be sharing and collaborating on diagrams. Okay, before we go… Read More

Creately for Confluence in Beta!

Here at Cinergix we feel like we’re on Cloud 9 right now! Yes, after weeks of arduous hardwork, we’re extremely delighted to announce the Beta release of Creately for Confluence, a plugin for everyone’s favourite collaboration platform, Atlassian Confluence. This… Read More

Beta Over – Creately Launches New Plans

Today is the most exciting and exhilarating in our journey with Creately – Creately is out of Beta! With our move out of beta, we are also announcing two new versions – Creately Public and Creately Plus! After a year… Read More

Creately’s New Clothes

New Skins for a New Creately Of all the updates, features and fixes we’ve put out this month, my favourite has been the new skins we’ve put on for Creately. The previous skins were fine and we felt they did… Read More

Explaining ‘Easy’

If you have been following us, you’d know by now that we focus a lot on being ‘easy’. And if you’ve tried Creately, seen the video or gone through our list of features, you’ll know Creately is a feature-rich application. We have powerful features that are ahead of most other products in our market.

And yet, we only speak of easy. Not of our endless list of features. Why? because we believe all those features exist for the sole purpose of making the process of diagramming & design ‘easy’.