How to Make Resolutions That Actually Work

When you want a change or to deviate something in your life that is not beneficial anymore, you practice what’s best for you by creating resolutions. A resolution is a firm decision to do or not to do something. But is it easy to make resolutions that actually work? This infographic tells you how to make resolution that actually work for the best.

how to make a solid resolution

How to Make Resolutions That Actually Work

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Shalin Siriwardhana

Internet marketing enthusiasts and a tech blogger, started working for Creately handling e-marketing and blogging. I love to spend my time playing guitar and computer games when I’m not exploring the world of marketing, you can find me writing at shalin's marketing blog here. Follow @Creately for useful diagramming tips and tutes!


  1. in ly

    This is a useful information. thanks for sharing. But I think it will be very difficult to implement.

  2. Ismail N

    I think Lose the Rope is the hardest thing to do bcos we are by nature ‘clingy’ – we cling to hope, cling to the old ways, etc. Not easy, but necessary. Thanks for sharing.

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