Making the Creately Experience Better

anthill-top50-thumbWhat a glorious month its been… We received fantastic news just a couple of days ago that Creately (and Cinergix) have been named in the Top 50 Coolest Company awards by Anthill Magazine, then we moved into our brand spanking new offices in Sri Lanka and now we have a Creately release packed with features you’ve been asking for.

New Release Highlights

This week’s release is focused on making your experience with Creately a whole lot better. We’ve now made it possible to use your own local machine fonts in all diagrams, made significant performance improvements, fixed many UML bugs as well as introduced new templates for project managers and business users.

All the Fonts you can Eat

A few months ago, we added 10 open-source fonts to Creately to let you create professional looking diagrams. But guess what? Once our users tasted the forbidden fruit, everyone was clamoring for more. So as our legal team (read Founders) tried to figure out a way to get around the copyright issues of embedding fonts in Creately, the Dev team came up with a beautiful solution.


Why not let users load and use their local machine fonts in their diagrams! Hmm… sounds great but what happens when someone uses a font in a shared diagram that another user does not have installed on their computer? That’s where font notifications and substitution come in. We’ve devised a method of notifying users when there’s a missing font in a diagram and automatically providing a substitute font.

We think this is a excellent solution that will make many of you very happy! Try your hand at a diagram with fancy fonts and let us know what you think.

UI Performance Improvements

Unresponsive software sucks. Nobody wants to use software that freezes up or slows down. So here at Creately, we’ve kept a close eye on the performance of the application to make sure it exceeds your expectations. Lately though, as our customers have started working on very large and complex diagrams, some users have reported a degradation in UI performance. We decided we’ll have none of that and neither will our customers, so the team set about analyzing the issues and have made significant improvements to the codebase to improve the ‘feel’ of the User Interface. We’re not through yet, but are pleased with the improvements we’ve made this week.

Here’s a short list of what you can expect:

  • Selecting Multiple Objects and Select All (Ctrl-A) is much faster making Copy-and-Paste much smoother.
  • Significantly less lag when moving Container Objects or other objects into Containers.
  • Faster cursor and mouse response as we’ve optimized all the redraws that happen when you move your mouse cursor over the drawing canvas.
  • No more waiting to download fonts (which can be upto 2MB in size) cos we’ll automatically load the fonts installed on your computer.
  • Watch this space, we’ll be doing more performance related improved over the coming weeks. Let us know, if there’s anything else troubling you.

Resizable Drawing Canvas – ‘Cos you asked for it

We’ve gone from a fixed canvas size, to a customizable size in the last 3 months. But you said that wasn’t enough – You wanted to be able to change the size of the Canvas as your diagram grew – making this the 2nd most requested feature on our Community Support Site.

So we’re gone and done it. Now you can click on the Page Properties tab (click on the Canvas, then open the Properties Tab on the right-side) to change the size of your diagram page anytime. Simple.


Better UML designs with Creately

We’ve had a renewed focus on the UML modeling and design space. We’ve found that our users love Creately for UML. This week, we revisited all our UML shapes and have fixed many little issues in the UML KObject shape sets for Class, Object, Collaboration and Deployment diagrams. More info on these UML fixes can be found in this blog post.

New Business Templates

We are always adding new Templates to Creately. This week, you’ll find new templates for Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), Ansoff Matrix, Value Stream Maps and more.



Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

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  1. Cetak Nota

    Sharp visual planners adoration to utilize typography to investigate the communication between the look of sort and what sort really says. In conveying a message, a parity must be accomplished between the visual and the verbal parts of a configuration.

    Some of the time, notwithstanding, fashioners investigate the visual part of sort to a much more noteworthy degree than the verbal. In these cases, the visual dialect does all the talking. This article investigates when the visual components of typography talk louder than words.

    We as a whole have distinctive social foundations and encounters that influence our view of sort somehow. Thus, paying little respect to the originator’s ability and exertion, various wild angles remain, including the viewer’s observation, desires, learning, encounters and inclinations. Keeping in mind representing all such erratic reactions to sort is unimaginable, mindfulness is basic.

  2. Thank you for this useful article.I was unaware about UML designs but i have a better understanding now.I will apply it soon.

  3. Ramy

    Great Article .. Thanks for sharing it , I learned A lot by reading this article .. Keep moving

  4. Kanker Serviks

    articles that are useful to increase knowledge about diagrams, templates, fonts and interesting

  5. admin

    Thanks for pointing that out Josh. We’ll we sure to create a new template that’s focused on deliverables.

    In fact, if you’d like to contribute such a WBS sample within Creately, we’d be happy to publish it as a Template with attribution.


  6. I’ve got to point out the graphic which contains tasks in a WBS. A WBS should not contain tasks! It should be solely focused on results, a deliverables-based document. That makes it a clean representation of scope.

    Don’t worry, this is a common mistake, and it’s in my free report Top 7 WBS Mistakes Project Managers Make

    Josh Nankivel
    WBS Coach Instructor

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