75 New Templates for Mindmaps, Flowcharts, UML diagrams and more

While the Dev team’s been busy on the next major release in a week’s time (which will include brand new collaboration features), I’ve compiled a massive set of easy-start templates that you can dig into right now.

We know you love Creately’s easy-start templates, so the whole team got together a fortnight ago for Creately Diagram Day and came up with tons of new diagrams. Everyone worked all day to create great looking and useful templates especially for the new UI Mockup, UML and Database design shapes we recently launched.

These new templates are now available right within Creately’s Create New Diagram dialog window and will help you get going with your diagrams faster. Who’re we kidding, its just so much easier to not have to start from a blank canvas.

Here’s a small sample of some of the new Mindmaps, Flowcharts, UML, UI Mockups and Database design templates we’ve added – of course embedded here with the Creately Diagram Viewer. Let us know if you find these useful and want more templates to use in Creately.

Mindmap of a Promotional Marketing Campaign

Mockup of the Creately Blog

Flowchart with Swimlanes

UML Class Diagram

DVD library Database Model

Come on, give it a go.

More Templates Examples

CamDate Flow Chart 2017 

Network Flowchart 

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  1. Amin

    Templates are amazing thanks for sharing with us.

  2. […] our stats, we normally do the exact elements over and more than once again. UBot Studio 4 UBot Studio 4 – The Final in Internet Automation The largest variation is that UBot Studio 4 uses a…at if you understand flow charts then you will be perfectly on your way. If you also have an […]

  3. […] application certainly helped with progress. In the case of the package redesign project, we used a Mindmap to come up with ideas. With the diagramming application, we were able to comment on the various […]

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