Drawing colorful diagrams on Creately

The question of how we can help our users draw beautiful diagrams often comes up here at Creately. During a usability discussion, when the issue of our color palette came up, we realized that while the palette does have a whole bunch of colors, most of them don’t look good when applied on your designs.

To my surprise, our enthusiastic team come up with a cool color palette in a day to enhance the whole experience on Creately! The new color palette has a lesser number of colors yet makes your diagrams and designs look much nicer. Thanks to the subtle color tones.

Each row of the color palette (expect for first two ) have the same colors with different saturation levels. I personally love the 3rd and 4th which have light elegant colors. A trick you can use when applying colors is to choose colors from the same row on the pallet which will make your diagram look lovely.

So I put it to test on my clown drawing ;-). Have a look…


Stay tuned for some cool styling features in the upcoming releases, which will help improve the look of your entire diagram with just a few clicks.

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Hiraash Thawfeek

Is tech geek at Cinergix and is also the CTO. He has been managing product development for Creately. Loves and is fascinated by innovation through technology! You can follow him on twitter @hiraash and don't forget to follow @creately.


  1. Gavi

    Simple is beautiful, love it!

  2. Tom Raymond

    What’s interesting is that “simple is beautiful” is true for actual clown makeup as well — if you picture a clown in your mind (Bozo, Ronald McDonald, etc.) you’ll not that there aren’t a dozen different, competing components to the face design.

  3. charan

    Good post Hiraash. Simple is beautiful.

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