3 Horizons of Growth Template

Assess potential growth opportunities while finding ways to maintain existing business plans.

Start a Canvas
  • Identify current and potential opportunities and use the template to plan for the long term while addressing short-term needs.
  • Export your documents in SVG, PNG, JPEG, or PDF image formats for publishing, sharing, and printing
  • Collaborate seamlessly with others using in-app video conferencing, synchronous editing, real-time mouse tracking & change previews

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Creately helps you do this with

Pre-designed templates for 3 horizons of growth analysis
Easy drawing and diagramming tools for strategic planning
Share with others for real-time collaboration and group editing
Export your diagrams as PNGs, SVGs, PDF or JPEGs for publishing or embedding in documents, presentations, etc

Guide and Best Practices

The 3 horizons of growth model is a framework that allows businesses to focus on their current needs while considering areas where they can grow in the future.

How to use the 3 horizon framework?

  • Open a 3 horizons of growth template on Creately, and invite team members to share their inputs on the canvas.
  • Use the model when you want to strategically think about your operations currently and in the future.
  • The X-axis represents time but it is important to keep track of all 3 horizons at the same time.
  • Horizon 1: Maintain & Defend Core Business. List down all the activities that are most closely aligned to your current business. Most of your current revenue making activities will fall into this section.
  • Horizon 2: Nurture Emerging Business. Here is where you identify new revenue-driving opportunities. There may be an initial cost associated with your horizon 2 activities, but these investments are fairly reliable.
  • Horizon 3: Create Genuinely New Businesses. List down completely new business opportunities that don’t exist today. These ideas may be unproven and potentially unprofitable for a significant period of time.

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