HEART Framework Template
Improve user experience by measuring how satisfied customers are with your product.
Start a Canvas- Apply a user-centric approach to measure user experience at scale
- Gather valuable insights and improve UX design
- Collaborate seamlessly with others using in-app video conferencing, synchronous editing, real-time mouse tracking & change previews
Creately helps you do this with
Pre-designed templates for the HEART Framework Analysis
Easy drawing and diagramming tools for user experience analysis
Share with others for real-time collaboration and group editing
Export your diagrams as PNGs, SVGs, PDF or JPEGs for publishing or embedding in documents, presentations, etc
Guide and Best Practices
The HEART Framework is a set of user-centric metrics that was developed to evaluate the quality of user experience and help teams measure the impact of UX changes.
How to use the HEART framework
- Open a pre-made HEART template on the Creately app and invite team members to share their input on the canvas.
- The model uses 5 measures; happiness, engagement, adoption, retention, and task success which is plotted on the Y-axis and has ways to measure each on the X-axis. The X-axis lists down Goals, Signals, and Metrics.
- Begin by filling out the happiness section, which captures users’ satisfaction. Data for this can be gathered from user satisfaction surveys.
- Engagement captures how regularly users interact with your product.
- Adoption measures the number of people that use your product in a given period of time. This allows you to understand how well you are capturing a new business.
- Retention measures how long a customer sticks with your product. If you are seeing a significant churn rate you may need a deeper investigation into how UX design can lead to greater retention.
- Task success is measured by factors like efficiency (how long it takes users to complete the task) effectiveness (percent of tasks completed), and error rate.