Ecomap Maker Online
Better Understand Your Clients’ Relationship Dynamics
Visualize and analyze relationships in play in an individual’s life. Streamline counseling and social work assessment with intuitive visual tools with our intuitive Ecomap maker.
Get a headstart with customizable ecomap templates
Real-time collaboration to work with clients & colleagues
Print, download, or share your findings, reports, & research

- Get a headstart with customizable ecomap templates
- Real-time collaboration to work with clients & colleagues
- Print, download, or share your findings, reports, & research

Over 10 Million people and 1000s of teams already use Creately

How to make an Ecomap?
Create Your Eco Map Online with Editable Templates
Create an Ecomap with Ease Using Our Free Ecomap Maker

Map your client’s relationships quickly with multiple ecomap templates.
Style ecomaps faster during assessments with preset color themes & styles with Ecomap maker.
Depict family relationships in an instant with dynamic connectors in our ecomap generator.
Professional shape libraries for family trees, genograms, sociograms, & more using Ecomap maker.

Organize All Your Data in One Place

Gather & organize multidimensional information on clients during research.
Add details about your client with custom shape properties & additional data fields using Ecomap Maker.
Provide more context by importing images, vectors, and more into the canvas.
Organize information around ecomaps for effective analysis with integrated notes using our ecomap maker.
Effortlessly Engage with Clients and Colleagues with our Ecomap Maker

Work with family members and other researchers to create an ecomap on a shared canvas using our Ecomap Maker.
Comment with context, have discussions and follow-ups on the same canvas. Async!
Embed ecomaps on any site or intranet, or use view mode for presentations.
Easily share, review, and edit ecomaps with multiple access & role levels.

What is an Ecomap?
How Can You Use an Ecomap Collaboratively?
Ecomaps are often created involving the individuals or family members themselves in an interactive and collaborative setting. Their participation helps gather information and gain insights into the strengths, challenges, and relationships within the group.
An eco-map can be used collaboratively in a number of ways. For example:
1. Collaborative information gathering
Individuals or family members can collaborate on creating ecomaps by sharing and contributing information about their relationships and connections to others in their social network using ecomap Maker. By working together, they can make sure all important relationships and support systems are included and the information is correct and up-to-date.
2. Joint problem-solving
The ecomap can facilitate discussion and collaboration around potential solutions to problems by visualizing the challenges and strengths within a family or group. This can help them see what resources and support systems they have to help solve their problems.
3. Joint decision making
An eco-map can help people make decisions together. By using the map, they can think about different choices and how they will affect the relationships and systems shown on the map.
4. Building consensus
Eco-maps can help people in a family or group understand each other better and come to agreements faster. This can reduce conflicts and encourage everyone to work together.
In each of these examples, the eco-map is used as a visual tool to foster communication, collaboration, and decision-making. When individuals and family members come together to collaborate on creating the eco-map, it can help to foster a sense of empowerment and increase the chances of successful outcomes.
How to Make an Ecomap with Creately’s Ecomap Maker?
1. Step 1: Set Up a Collaborative Workspace
Open a Creately workspace and share it with your colleagues or the client you wish to collaborate with during the interview. You can use this workspace to centralize everything from survey and interview data and to interview questions and answers. Using real-time mouse cursors and synced previews, you can easily track the changes other participants make in the workspace.
2. Step 2: Choose How to Create the Ecomap
Based on the interviews and research you have done on your client, either you can create an ecomap yourself or you can allow your client to draw it on their own. With Creately’s Eco map maker online free tools, clients can also take an active role in building the ecomap if desired.
3. Step 3: Select a Template or Start from Scratch
Utilize a Creately pre-made ecomap template for a quicker start, or create a custom ecomap from scratch with the Ecomap Maker. Ensure you use correct ecomap symbols and connector styles. Invite your client to collaborate on the ecomap through a secure, editable link, or give them review access via the eco map maker software options where they can leave comments.
4. Step 4: Add the Central Circle and Identify Individuals
Draw a circle in the middle of the canvas. This is where you should list down the name of the individual. If you are creating a family ecomap, represent the family members with a genogram in the middle of the circle.
5. Step 5: Represent External Connections
Using the eco map maker online, add surrounding circles around the central individual to symbolize people, institutions, and entities connected to them. These could include friends, schools, workplaces, or community resources. Round the circle in the center, draw some more circles to represent people, institutions, entities etc. your clients have relationships with.
6. Step 6: Represent External Connections
Draw connecting lines between the external entities and your client/s. Use the various ecomap connector types to represent the quality of the relationship. Arrowheads should be added to show the direction.
7. Step 7: Export or Share Your Ecomap
Once you have created the ecomap, you can download it as an image or export it as a PDF for printing. For web use, the Creately Viewer allows you to embed your ecomap on websites or blogs directly, leveraging eco map maker online free functionality to share the ecomap with a broader audience.
FAQs about the Ecomap Maker in Creately
Why should you use Creately as your online ecomap generator instead of docs?
What are some tips to keep in mind when interviewing for ecomaps?
Can I use Creately as a free ecomap generator?
Can I download or share my ecomap with others?