Resources > Career Pathing: How to Build Frameworks for Employee Success

Career Pathing: How to Build Frameworks for Employee Success

Updated on: 26 September 2024 | 14 min read
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In today’s rapidly changing job market, many professionals are seeking clarity on how to advance their careers while businesses are eager to retain top talent. But career development isn’t just about training or occasional promotions; it’s about creating clear, actionable paths for growth. This is where career pathing comes in. For organizations, it’s a way to foster employee loyalty and engagement by showing workers exactly how they can grow within the company. For employees, it offers a personalized roadmap that aligns with their unique skills and goals. Career pathing is more than just a buzzword—it’s a strategy that benefits everyone.

What is Career Pathing?

Career pathing is a strategic tool designed to guide employees through their career development within an organization. Creating a personalized career trajectory allows employees to understand the potential roles and opportunities available to them. Career pathing incorporates both vertical and lateral movements, offering a flexible approach to career growth. Unlike career mapping, which provides a broader view of diverse career options, career pathing outlines a specific path an individual can follow within the organization. Some of the reasons why organizations implement career pathing frameworks are:

  • Strategic Employee Development: Career pathing helps employees navigate their career by identifying actionable steps and required skills to progress.

  • Unique Trajectories: Each career path is tailored to an employee’s unique skills, interests, and career objectives, ensuring a personalized growth journey.

  • Holistic Career Movements: Involves not only upward promotions but also horizontal transitions, creating varied and rich career experiences.

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Differences Between Career Pathing and Employee Development

While both career pathing and employee development are essential for professional growth, they serve different purposes and focus on distinct aspects of an employee’s journey. Career pathing is a structured, organization-centric process that outlines specific routes for employees to advance within a company. It provides a clear framework for progression, helping individuals see potential roles they can aspire to over time. The primary goal is to align the employee’s growth with the company’s future needs, focusing on how they can fill higher-level or different roles within the organization.

Employee development, on the other hand, is a broader concept that focuses on enhancing an individual’s skills, knowledge, and abilities, regardless of specific career advancement goals. It can include training, mentorship, skill-building workshops, and more, all aimed at improving overall job performance. While career pathing emphasizes movement within the organization,

employee development is about growth that can benefit both the current role and future career opportunities, whether within or outside the organization.

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Employee Development Plan Template

The Difference Between Career Pathing and Career Mapping

Career pathing and career mapping though often used interchangeably, are distinct concepts in professional development. Career pathing is an organization-specific approach, offering employees a structured roadmap for advancing within a company. It focuses on aligning individual career goals with organizational needs, outlining clear progression routes, and usually emphasizing vertical growth. Key traits of career pathing include its focus on internal advancement, making it a valuable tool for companies to retain talent by providing clear growth opportunities.

In contrast, career mapping is broader and more flexible, allowing individuals to explore various career options across multiple organizations or industries. It emphasizes personal goals and interests, enabling professionals to consider diverse, non-linear career paths. While career pathing supports internal advancement, career mapping empowers individuals to make informed decisions about long-term career possibilities beyond their current roles. Combining both strategies can help professionals set long-term goals and navigate growth both within and beyond their current organizations.

stats on career pathing

Benefits of Career Pathing

Career pathing is vital for organizations and employees alike, offering numerous benefits that contribute to the overall health and growth of a business. Here’s why career pathing matters:

Reduces Turnover

Implementing a structured career pathing framework can significantly reduce employee turnover by showing team members a clear future within the company. When employees see opportunities for advancement and development, they are less likely to seek these opportunities elsewhere. Providing them with clear career progression helps in enhancing their loyalty and engagement.

Drives Employee Growth

Career pathing serves as a powerful tool for driving employee growth. Employees gain clarity on the necessary steps to reach their career goals, enriching their skill sets and experiences. This, in turn, keeps them engaged and motivated. Managers also benefit by receiving more committed and high-performing staff.

Facilitates Internal Recruiting

One of the major advantages of career pathing is its ability to facilitate internal recruiting. By clearly outlining various career paths, organizations can identify internal candidates for critical roles instead of relying on external hires. This not only reduces hiring costs but also boosts employee morale as they feel recognized and valued within the company.

Why Should Organizations Focus on Career Pathing?

Implementing career pathing offers numerous advantages for organizations. At its core, career pathing helps highlight and develop the internal talent pool, saving significant costs on external hiring. Here’s how career pathing can benefit businesses:

  • Greater Return on Hiring Investments: By fostering employee growth and offering clear progression paths within the organization, companies maximize their initial investment in hiring and training. Employees are more likely to stay and advance within the company, enhancing the return on investment.

  • Improved Employee Engagement: Employees who see clear paths for advancement feel more engaged and motivated. This engagement can lead to increased productivity and innovation, directly benefiting the business’s bottom line.

  • Better Succession Planning: Career pathing helps organizations prepare for future leadership needs. By identifying potential leaders and providing them with the necessary development opportunities, companies ensure they have capable individuals ready to step into crucial roles.

  • Enhanced Trust and Transparency: Clearly defined career paths foster a sense of trust and transparency within the organization. Employees feel more secure knowing what is expected of them and what they need to achieve to advance.

Why Employees Should Chose Organizations with Established Career Paths

From the employee’s perspective, professional development plans offers an array of benefits that contribute to job satisfaction and personal growth:

  • Sense of Security and Purpose: Knowing there is a structured plan for career progression provides employees with a sense of security and purpose. They understand what steps they need to take to achieve their professional goals.

  • Increased Job Satisfaction: Career pathing can lead to higher job satisfaction as employees feel valued and see opportunities for growth. Knowing that their organization is invested in their development enhances their commitment and loyalty.

  • Clarity on Required Skills: Employees gain clear insights into the skills and competencies needed to advance. This helps them focus on relevant professional development and aligns their efforts with organizational needs.

  • Improved Engagement: Career pathing programs encourage employees to participate in learning and development activities. This active involvement boosts engagement and improves overall workplace morale.

Career Pathing Frameworks

At the core of any successful career pathing plan is a clear and structured framework. This framework should include:

  • Clear Direction: Provide clarity on employees' career paths, including potential promotions and lateral moves.

  • Professional Development Opportunities: Offer avenues for training, mentorship, and performance reviews to facilitate growth.

  • Progress Tracking: Establish mechanisms to monitor and measure progress towards career goals.

A career pathing framework typically follows two main approaches:

  • Career Ladder: A formalized career path that follows a linear progression through promotions, often seen in hierarchical structures.

  • Career Lattice: An informal path suited for flat-structured organizations, allowing lateral moves and encouraging exploration and self-directed growth.

Steps to Career Pathing

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Career Pathing Framework

1. Assess Business Needs

The foundation of effective career pathing lies in a thorough understanding of your organization’s current and future needs. Begin by conducting a comprehensive analysis of your company’s strategic goals and projected growth. This assessment should identify critical roles that are challenging to fill or retain, as well as anticipate emerging positions based on industry trends and technological advancements.

Develop detailed job descriptions for all positions, including required skills and competencies. This process will help you map out potential career paths within and across departments. Don’t forget to consider non-traditional career paths that leverage transferable skills, as these can provide valuable flexibility in your career pathing strategy.

Key actions:

  • Conduct strategic analysis

  • Identify critical and emerging roles

  • Develop comprehensive job descriptions

  • Map potential career paths

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2. Discuss Career Goals

Employee engagement is crucial in creating effective career paths. Schedule regular one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss their career aspirations. Use structured interview techniques to uncover both short-term and long-term career goals, and explore various growth opportunities within the organization that align with employee interests.

During these discussions, conduct skills assessments to identify current competencies and areas for development. Work collaboratively with employees to define a career path that balances their goals with organizational needs. Remember to document these discussions and revisit them periodically to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

3. Build Personalized Pathways

With a clear understanding of both organizational needs and employee aspirations, you can now create individualized career roadmaps. These roadmaps should outline the specific skills, knowledge, and experiences required at each stage of the career path. Include both vertical promotions and lateral moves to provide diverse growth opportunities.

While it’s helpful to highlight potential timeframes for progression, maintain flexibility to accommodate changing business needs and employee aspirations. Incorporate mentoring and coaching opportunities into the pathways to support continuous learning and development.

Key components of personalized pathways:

  • Specific skills and competencies for each stage

  • Vertical and lateral move options

  • Flexible timeframes

  • Mentoring and coaching opportunities

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Career Pathway Model

4. Create Employee Development Plans

Employee development plans are crucial for bridging the gap between an employee’s current position and their career goals. Design tailored development plans that address identified skill gaps. These plans should incorporate a variety of learning methods to cater to different learning styles and job requirements.

Include options such as online courses, stretch assignments, certifications, coaching, and mentoring. Provide specific recommendations based on individual goals to enhance career progression and ensure employees are equipped with the necessary skills. Remember to align these development plans with the organization’s broader learning and development strategy.

5. Monitor Performance

Regular performance monitoring is essential to ensure the effectiveness of your career pathing initiative. Implement a system for ongoing performance assessment that allows employees to feel supported in their career journey. Facilitate two-way communication channels for feedback and adjustments.

This continuous monitoring helps in identifying an employee’s readiness for new roles and any necessary modifications to their career pathway. Use a combination of formal performance reviews and informal check-ins to gather comprehensive feedback on an employee’s progress and potential.

6. Reward Professional Development

Recognition and rewards play a vital role in maintaining motivation and commitment to career development. Acknowledge employees' achievements in their career paths, either privately or publicly, depending on the individual and organizational culture.

Consider tangible rewards such as pay increases or promotions as warranted by increased skills and contributions. This approach not only boosts morale and motivation but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and development within the organization.

By following these expanded steps and utilizing appropriate career pathing tools, organizations can create a robust career pathing program that benefits both the employees and the company as a whole.

Useful Tools for Career Pathing with Creately

In the digital age, visual tools can significantly enhance the career pathing process, making it more intuitive, engaging, and effective. Creately offers a suite of powerful visual collaboration tools that can transform how organizations approach career pathing. Let’s explore how Creately’s features can support various aspects of career development and planning.

Career Maps

Creately’s diagramming tools excel at creating clear, visually appealing career maps. These maps provide a comprehensive overview of potential career trajectories within an organization, helping both employees and managers understand the various paths available for professional growth.

With Creately, you can:

  • Create interactive, multi-level career path diagrams

  • Customize templates to reflect your organization’s unique structure

  • Easily update and modify career maps as roles and requirements evolve

Career maps created with Creately serve as powerful visual aids during career discussions, helping employees visualize their potential growth within the company and understand the skills and experiences needed for different roles.

Career Action Plans

Creately’s project management features can be adapted to create detailed career action plans. These visual plans help employees and their managers track progress towards career goals, ensuring that development activities align with both individual aspirations and organizational needs.

Using Creately for career action plans allows you to:

  • Set clear milestones and deadlines for career development activities

  • Assign and track tasks related to skill acquisition or project completion

  • Visualize the timeline for career progression

By representing career action plans visually, Creately makes it easier for employees to stay motivated and for managers to provide timely support and guidance.

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Career Action Plan

Succession Planning

Succession planning is crucial for organizational stability and growth. Creately’s collaborative features make it an excellent tool for mapping out succession plans and identifying potential future leaders.

With Creately, HR teams and executives can:

  • Create visual talent pools for key positions

  • Map out potential succession scenarios

  • Collaborate in real-time on succession planning decisions

The visual nature of Creately’s tools helps decision-makers quickly identify gaps in the succession pipeline and develop strategies to address them.

Implementation and Communication

Implementing a career pathing program requires clear communication and coordination across the organization. Creately’s presentation and sharing features can significantly aid in this process.

Use Creately to:

  • Design visual presentations explaining the career pathing program

  • Create infographics to communicate career development opportunities

  • Share interactive career path diagrams with employees

By leveraging Creately’s visual tools, organizations can make their career pathing initiatives more engaging and accessible to all employees.

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Team Wiki

Skills and Job Matching

While Creately doesn’t offer automated job matching, its diagramming tools can be used to create comprehensive skills matrices and job role analyzes. These visual representations can help employees and managers identify skill gaps and potential matches between employee competencies and job requirements.

Create visual diagrams to:

  • Map required skills for different roles

  • Compare employee competencies with job requirements

  • Identify areas for skill development

By visualizing skills and job requirements, Creately helps facilitate more informed discussions about career development and internal mobility.

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Skills Matrix Template

Creately’s suite of visual collaboration tools offers a flexible, intuitive platform for implementing comprehensive career pathing strategies. By leveraging these tools, organizations can create more engaging, transparent, and effective career development programs.

Tips for Efficient Career Pathing

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Implementing career pathing involves active involvement from both employees and employers. Begin by assessing business needs and discussing career goals with team members. Build personalized pathways and create comprehensive development plans. Regularly monitor and adjust these plans to align with evolving business goals and employee aspirations.

Enhance your career pathing strategies with tools like Creately’s visual workspaces, which streamline the planning and execution of career paths. These tools can help you map out employee journeys, create development plans, and track progress effectively. Developing a successful career pathing plan is an ongoing process that requires strategic effort from both employers and employees. Here are some practical tips to help organizations create effective career paths:

  • Treat Career Pathing as an Ongoing Process: Career pathing should be dynamic and adaptable. Regularly revisit and update career paths to align with evolving business needs and employee goals. Annual reviews are crucial, but ongoing check-ins are equally vital for maintaining relevance and engagement.

  • Build Talent with Mentorship Programs: Utilize mentorship and leadership development programs to nurture talent. Pairing junior employees with seasoned mentors can help in imparting knowledge, expanding networks, and fostering a culture of continuous learning. This approach not only aids career growth but also strengthens organizational bonds.

  • Create a Culture of Development: Encourage a growth-oriented culture by promoting learning and development as key organizational values. Integrate career development initiatives into daily work life, ensuring that employees feel supported in their professional journey. This can include offering online courses, workshops, and stretch assignments.

  • Make Career Development a Key Responsibility for Managers: Hold managers accountable for their team members’ career progression. This involves having regular discussions about career goals, providing actionable feedback, and helping employees identify and seize growth opportunities. Managers should act as coaches, guiding their team towards their career aspirations.

By following these tips, organizations can create robust career pathing programs that boost employee engagement, retention, and overall business performance.

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FAQs about Career Pathing

How can managers effectively develop career paths for their team?

Managers can develop career paths by regularly discussing career goals, creating personalized roadmaps, and providing continuous feedback. Using career development templates can streamline this process

What is the difference between career pathing and career mapping?

Career mapping offers a broader view of potential career paths an employee may take, while career pathing focuses on one specific career trajectory, identifying necessary skills and steps for progression.

What are the common challenges in career pathing and how can they be addressed?

Common challenges include lack of clear communication, insufficient resources, and manager engagement. Address these by fostering a supportive culture, providing training, and using robust career-pathing tools.


Chiraag George
Chiraag George Communication Specialist

Chiraag George is a communication specialist here at Creately. He is a marketing junkie that is fascinated by how brands occupy consumer mind space. A lover of all things tech, he writes a lot about the intersection of technology, branding and culture at large.

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