Root Cause Analysis Template

The Best Approach for Problem Solving

Visual tools and templates to successfully determine the root causes of issues via thorough analysis.

  • Create multiple perspectives of data models to view the problem in different angles
  • Real-time visual collaboration for problem solving
  • Customizable root cause analysis templates to quickly identify root causes
Root Cause Analysis Template
Root Cause Analysis Template
The Best Approach for Problem Solving
Visual tools and templates to successfully determine the root causes of issues via thorough analysis.
  • Create multiple perspectives of data models to view the problem in different angles
  • Real-time visual collaboration for problem solving
  • Customizable root cause analysis templates to quickly identify root causes
Root Cause Analysis Template
Analyze Root Causes to Solve Issues Fast

Analyze Root Causes to Solve Issues Fast

Analyze Root Causes to Solve Issues Fast

A variety of root cause analysis templates such as the five whys analysis, cause and effect diagrams, and fishbone charts to get a head start.

Data-enabled shapes to add more context to root cause analysis templates; add action points, attach references and quickly address blockers to ensure projects stay on track.

Advanced folder structure to keep inputs from various root cause templates in one place, analyze progress, address points from previous analyses and ensure everything is centralized.

Advanced linking and embed features to analyze causes of blockers as they arise, use the shared canvas to educate team members on issues during the project/problem.

Content ownership to assign and differentiate between the information added by different team members to streamline gathering of data and track progress.


Manage Blockers Effectively

Manage Blockers Effectively

Powerful and versatile table with advanced customizability to record, organize, and categorize your business data for better comprehension and analysis.

Built-in tools to create interactive and dynamic presentations, reports, and dashboards on potential solutions and process improvements.

Import images, vectors, screenshots, and more to the canvas to add more context to your root cause analysis.

Embed business documents and resources with in-app previews and centralize all related information in a single location for easier access.

Embed your root cause analysis in any site or intranet, or export them as PDFs, PNGs, JPEGs, or SVGs to share or publish.

Manage Blockers Effectively
Solve Problems Together

Solve Problems Together

Solve Problems Together

Real-time cursors for any number of participants. Collaborate with team members on a shared canvas. Add multiple collaborators and create root cause diagrams together.

Video conferencing baked into the platform to feel like you are in the same room.

Comment with context, have discussions and follow-ups on the same canvas. Async!

Smart notifications to inform you when relevant actions occur in the app via the correct channel. No more crazy amount of emails filling your inbox.

Version history to save and revert back to each iteration to streamline reviewing and revising going forward.


Figure Out Further Improvements

Figure Out Further Improvements

Build custom databases for any type of business data from sales to customer contact information to website traffic statistics for close monitoring and trend identification.

Frames for Kanban boards, timelines, grids to turn your ideas into actions and implement the agreed upon solutions.

Generate multiple views of the same business information with model objects; easily convert a Kanban board into a workflow or roadmap.

Extend your strategic plans by documenting key details on different elements with custom properties and additional fields.

Connect to your favorite tools with Creately plugins for Slack, Google Workspace, Confluence, and more.

Figure Out Further Improvements

What Is Root Cause Analysis?

Root cause analysis is an approach used to identify the fundamental cause(s) of a problem. There are several root cause analysis tools that can be used to investigate issues leading to a problem.

How to Conduct a Root Cause Analysis?

  • Gather a team that can help such as process experts, process owners to analyze the problem.
  • Identify the exact problem with the help of the team by examining the current situation, collecting data on the symptoms, the effects, outcomes and the duration of the problem, etc.
  • Look into the causal factors of the problem; these are the events or the conditions that led the problem to occur.
  • Use 5 whys to get to the root cause of the problem or cause and effect diagram to identify as many causal factors as possible.
  • Seek answers as to why the causal factors exist. Again use 5 whys or fishbone diagrams to dig deeper into the roots of each factor.
  • Using Creately real-time collaboration features, allow everyone, including remote employees, to find causes using fishbone or 5 whys diagrams.
  • Once the root cause is clarified, look for the ways to prevent it from happening again. Create a process using a process map for implementing the solutions.
  • Decide and assign people to carry out the process. Identify potential failures and create a risk management strategy as well.