Interrelationship Diagram Software

Analyze Causes and Effects to Find Solutions

Evaluate the cause and effect relationships of critical issues to better understand where to implement solutions effectively.

  • A diverse range of interrelationship diagram templates for problem-solving
  • Plus Create and built-in diagramming tools for flexibility and creativity
  • Real-time collaboration to work seamlessly with others
Interrelationship Diagram Software
National Geographic
Collaborate Seamlessly to Resolve Issues

Collaborate Seamlessly to Resolve Issues

Collaborate Seamlessly to Resolve Issues

Online whiteboard with brainstorming tools like mind maps and post-it note walls to collaboratively ideate around identifying and defining the problem.

Video conferencing built into the platform to make you feel like you are in the same room.

Integrated commenting to share feedback with pinpointed comments and comment discussion threads.

Full version history to keep track of each iteration of your workspaces. Branch out from an earlier version if needed at any time.

Real-time cursors for seamless collaboration with any number of participants, bring your team on board for quick discussions and decision making.


Quickly Identify Root Causes

Quickly Identify Root Causes

Simple drag and drop tools with Plus Create to easily create complex interrelationship diagrams in minutes.

Multiple pre-made templates for interrelationship diagrams and other basic quality tools for process improvement.

Dynamic connectors that automatically arrange themselves to visualize complex connection structures effortlessly.

Preset color themes to quickly highlight and distinguish between strong and weak cause and effect relationships for easier analysis.

Quickly Identify Root Causes
Discover Useful Insights Faster

Discover Useful Insights Faster

Discover Useful Insights Faster

Link documents, records, data, or information from external sources to assist with better understanding cause and effect relationships during analysis.

Built-in tools to create interactive and dynamic presentations, reports, and dashboards on root cause analysis and action plans to onboard stakeholders.

Extend your interrelationship diagrams by documenting key details on different causes and effects with custom properties and additional fields.

What Is an Interrelationship Diagram?

Interrelationship diagrams display the cause and effects of relationships between items, and can be used to identify the root cause of a problem. By analyzing the connections or links in an interrelationship diagram and how different issues contribute to a problem, you can develop solutions for complex issues.

How to Create an Interrelationship Diagram?

  • Define and analyze the problem or issue, which will be placed at the top of your workspace.You can work with over 1000s of shapes from Creatley’s shape library, or select an editable interrelationship diagram template to get started right away.
  • Start brainstorming to come up with issues that are causing the problems, and add shapes on your workspace for each one. You can use color palettes and different text formats on each element of the diagram for easier identification.
  • Select any issue and start comparing it with the other issues you have identified. Look for any connections that may link these issues together. Repeat this process for all the issues you have identified.
  • Once you have identified these connections, you can then use connectors to create influencer arrows to display links between issues. Create arrows based on the strength of an issue, such as darker arrows for stronger connections. You can work with different styles of connectors on Creately to visualize your issues.
  • The item with the most outgoing arrows is often the main problem that needs to be addressed. The arrows are the cause of these issues. Finally, the item with the most incoming arrows is the result or final effect.
  • Invite your team to collaborate through an email or invite link to get their ideas and input, and interact with in-app conferencing features to find a solution. Export your interrelationship diagram to share, publish or print in PNG, SVG, JPEG, and PDF formats.