PDCA Cycle Examples
Improve Processes and Create Winning Strategies
Visual templates to improve design, product and services. Prioritize the root causes of problems by collecting and analyzing data.
- Intuitive drag and drop interface to easily visualize process improvements
- Visual canvas to easily design better systems
- Collaborate with teammates to uncover creative solutions together

- Intuitive drag and drop interface to easily visualize process improvements
- Visual canvas to easily design better systems
- Collaborate with teammates to uncover creative solutions together

Identify Areas of Improvement

Infinite visual canvas to conceptualize and visualize processes without restraints.
Pre-designed templates for PDCA cycle to analyze a process from start to finish.
Hover over descriptions to add context to visuals for better ‘big picture understanding’.
Centralize All Your Workflows

Advanced folder structure to centralize information and keep multiple workflows related to the same system organized.
Universal search across workspaces for quick access and easy referencing.
Embedded documents and assets with in-app previews for quicker and better understanding of the context to a problem/scenario.

Help Teams Develop a Common Understanding

Collaborate on exploring and evaluating your options for strategic positioning with interactive online templates.
Real-time cursors for any number of participants to collaborate with team members on a shared canvas.
Video conferencing baked into the platform to feel like you are in the same room.
Comment with context, have discussions and follow-ups on the same canvas. Async!
Transfer Actionable Insights to a Comprehensive Plan

Multiple access and role levels to streamline sharing, reviewing, and editing decision trees with clients and stakeholders.
Use frames inside the infinite canvas to generate page-like layouts to organize your ideas, group similar content, or build a presentation flow for your proposals.
Connect to your favorite tools with Creately plugins for Slack, Google Workspace, Confluence, and more.
Export Your PDCA Cycle as SVGs, PDFs, and PNGs to publish, present, print, or share.

Guide and Best Practices
Also known as the Deming cycle, the PDCA cycle is an essential technique in lean manufacturing. It is widely used in continuous process improvement. It enables teams to identify and avoid recurring errors and improve processes.
Steps in the PDCA Process
- Define the problem. To do so you may need to identify the root cause of it with the help of a cause and effect diagram or a 5 whys diagram.
- Once you know the root cause, set your goals while making sure that they are specific, measurable and attainable and identify the resources you have and will need.
- Brainstorm the possible solutions and select one that is most promising. Test it out on a small scale to see how effective it is.
- Evaluate the results of the solution you have applied. Collaborate with your team to identify areas for improvement.
- Apply changes accordingly and repeat the do and check phases until you have perfected your solution.
- Implement the solution. Repeat the cycle if you are looking for continuous improvement, starting with finding areas for improvement.
- Share the diagrams you have created with others with the help of Creately Viewer. Embed it in websites, company wikis or intranet to give everyone quick access.