For Professionals
  • Unlimited canvases
  • 5000 Items per canvas
  • Premium shape libraries
  • 20 Active folders
  • Unlimited imports
  • JPEG, PNG, SVG & PDF export
  • Premium templates
  • AI Diagrams
  • 30 day version history
  • Basic collaboration
  • Email support
/month per user
For Growing Teams
  • Unlimited canvases
  • 5000 Items per canvas
  • Premium shape libraries
  • 50 Active folders
  • Unlimited imports
  • JPEG, PNG, SVG & PDF export
  • Premium templates
  • AI Diagrams
  • 30 day version history
  • Advanced collaboration
  • Email / Chat Support
  • Multiple named users
  • Account management portal
For Unlimited Users Everything on Team, Plus
  • 50,000 items per canvas
  • Unlimited folders
  • MS Teams, Slack and Github Integrations
  • 2 way data sync with Excel/Google Sheets
  • HR, Product, IT, Process toolkits
  • Unlimited databases
  • 5000 items per database
  • 1 year version history
  • Project management tools
  • Dedicated customer success manager
  • Guest access
  • Custom templates
*Ability to include Enterprise features as add-ons
icon-chat Custom pricing
All features, unlimited users Everything on Business, Plus
  • Single Sign On / 2FA
  • Regional data servers
  • MS Teams, Slack and Github integrations
  • 2 Way data sync with Excel/Sheets
  • Multiple account admins
  • Multiple sub teams
  • Unlimited databases
  • Unlimited items per database
  • SLA
  • Member onboarding and training
  • Managed member offboarding
  • Audit logs
  • Dedicated customer success manager
Trusted by over 10 Million People 1000+ Teams
Sign up Free 3 Canvases, 60 Items per canvas, 1 Folder, 2 Imports & Standard shape libraries
National Geographic
UsageFree Get StartedPersonal Buy NowTeam Buy NowBusiness Buy NowEnterprise Contact Sales
Canvases 3UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Folders 12050UnlimitedUnlimited
Storage Limited5 GB10 GB100 GBCustom
Offline Sync
Version History 30 days30 days1 yearForever
Core FeaturesFreePersonalTeamBusinessEnterprise
Items per workspace 605000500050000Unlimited
File imports, attachments 2UnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Universal Search
Custom templates
2 way data linking
Advanced DiagrammingFreePersonalTeamBusinessEnterprise
Professional diagram types 50 types70 types70 types70 types70 types
Advanced shape libraries
Premade Templates
Plus Create
Frames & Containers
Advanced Text
Real-time collaboration
Comment & Discussions
Link sharing
Specific user sharing
Password protected sharing
Guest access
Standard DBs
Custom DBs
Items per DB 5000Unlimited
Rich property types
Data sync with G Sheets
Timelines, Grids, Kanban boards
2-way data sync
Auto-query data-sources for new items
Docs & Notes
Project ManagementFreePersonalTeamBusinessEnterprise
Agile project toolkit
Multi-role workflows
My Tasks
Smart notifications
OKR and KPI mapping
Integrations & ExportsFreePersonalTeamBusinessEnterprise
Microsoft Teams
Image Exportstandard resolution4K, high res4K, high res4K, high res4K, high res
PDF Export
SVG (vector) export
CSV (Excel) export
Email support
24/7 Chat support
Designated Customer Success & Account management teams
Onboarding and content transfer support
Custom SLA
White Glove service
Admin & SecurityFreePersonalTeamBusinessEnterprise
SOC2-Type II & ISO 27001 Certified
Audit Logs
Sharing Controls
Billing management
Multiple Admins
Managed team member offboarding and content ownership transfer
Custom Data Residency Locations

Enterprise Grade Security

We maintain the highest standards in information and security management so you can collaborate
securely with your entire organization.

Learn more about security

Loved by Over 10 Million Users

Loved by Over 10 Million Users

Would highly recommend this tool over the other much more expensive competitors.

We started using Creately for design, brainstorming, and information mapping because it's versatile and replaces so many tools for us. The integration with Microsoft Teams is a game-changer, as it keeps all our work in one place. Our whole team is on Creately now and we love creating technical drawings and building schemes, thanks to its intuitive diagramming capabilities.

Ronald Ter Burg ICT Manager, Woonplus Schiedam, Netherlands


Great value and a continually improving tool

Easy to create just about any diagram! I love the templates, which allow me to start from a blank slate and reach a semi-finished diagram for my professional work in just a matter of minutes. The pre-packaged/categorized shapes are super-useful!

James S Business Analyst


Simplified Project Management

Creately is straightforward and simple to use. What you see is what you get. You can drop in images and create workflows with absolute ease and efficiency.

Blaise F IT Administrator


Creately - easy to get started and use

Creately is easy to set up, and the plans are easy to understand. It is a very intuitive software, and we can document, share and export our processes in a fraction of the time than we used to.

Christofer F IT Service Manager


Extremely useful and underrated tool

The pricing makes it a no-brainer, everything about the tool is super to use, from creating the charts to sharing them!

Andrew M Marketing Director


Amazing Application for creating different technical and business diagrams

Creating technical designs and architecture diagrams is quite efficient with creately.

Riya B Consultant


Creately - The Project Manager's Best Friend!

The templates that are presented to users for project management and business analysis are out of this world and beautiful! They are really easy to use and modify.

Consultant Management Consultant

Have more questions?

We’re here to help with any questions you have about plans, pricing, and supported features.