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What Comes After Brainstorming

Updated on: 21 September 2023 | 5 min read
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After brainstorming, you take the ideas you generated and turn them into actionable plans and solutions. What comes after brainstorming is a structured process that makes sure that creativity is harnessed effectively to address the problem or achieve the desired goals.

In this post, we’ll explore the key steps that come after brainstorming – the phase where ideas are refined, prioritized, and transformed into actionable plans.

What to Do After Brainstorming

After a brainstorming session or workshop, the real work begins to turn the generated ideas into actionable outcomes. Here’s what comes after brainstorming:

Idea Evaluation

Idea evaluation is an important step that involves a closer examination of the brainstormed ideas. The best ones aren’t just the most appealing ones, but the ones with the most potential.

Consider factors such as the expected benefits these ideas can bring to your organization, how they align with your company’s goals and values, the feasibility of implementation, and whether there is a genuine market need for them. Also, evaluating the uniqueness of each idea can help identify potential competitive advantages that can set your organization apart.


Once you have a pool of ideas, next comes prioritization. This involves ranking the ideas based on specific criteria that are important to your organization’s success.

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Use an idea prioritization grid to rank ideas based on selected criteria

These criteria could include factors like strategic importance, potential return on investment (ROI), alignment with your company’s long-term vision, or the urgency of addressing a particular issue. Involving key stakeholders in the prioritization process ensures that the selected ideas align with overall organizational objectives and receive the necessary support.

Grouping and Categorization

Grouping and categorization help you organize the ideas into coherent themes. This step is about identifying common patterns among ideas and grouping them accordingly.

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Use an affinity diagram to group ideas to discover themes

By doing so, you can get a clearer understanding of the overarching concepts and patterns that surface from the brainstorming session. This not only improves clarity but also streamlines the decision-making process by making it easier to decide which ones to work on because you can look at all the ideas in a group as a whole.

Detailed Exploration

This phase involves a deep dive into the chosen ideas. The goal is to refine and expand upon the initial ideas, clarifying their scope, requirements, and potential outcomes.

It often needs further brainstorming, extensive market research, and discussions with subject matter experts. The aim is to gather comprehensive insights that will serve as a solid foundation for the next steps of implementation.

Feasibility Assessment

Feasibility assessment is used to determine whether your selected ideas are realistic and can be effectively implemented. It includes evaluating technical, financial, and resource constraints.

By carefully examining these elements, you can identify potential roadblocks and challenges that may arise during implementation. This assessment helps you gain valuable insights into the real-world practicality of your concepts, ultimately helping with making informed decisions about which ideas to move forward with.

Risk Analysis

Risk analysis is about finding potential problems that could come up when you’re working on your ideas. This could be things like market changes, technical issues, or rules and regulations.

The aim is to find these issues early on, before they become critical problems, and come up with plans to handle them effectively. By addressing these risks at an early stage, you increase your chances of making your projects successful and reaching your goals.

Decision Making

During decision making, you select which ideas to keep and which to drop. It’s essential to base decisions on a combination of evaluation, prioritization, feasibility, and risk analysis.

Make sure that key decision-makers are involved in this process to get consensus and commitment to the chosen ideas.

Planning and Execution

This phase is about turning ideas into actionable projects with a clear roadmap.

Here you need to create a detailed roadmap that outlines the project’s objectives, tasks, timelines, resource allocation, and responsibilities. Execution involves putting this plan into action by following the established guidelines. This phase needs close coordination, effective task management, and sticking to timelines to make sure that the project progresses smoothly.

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Use an action plan to effectively plan and manage the execution of tasks

Testing and Prototyping

Testing and prototyping are like making a trial version of your idea – a smaller, more manageable version to see if it works and makes sense. This practical step helps you spot any problems, get feedback from users, and make sure your idea is a good one.

By creating these trial versions and trying them out, you can find and fix issues early on. It’s a way to make your idea better and make sure it really meets the needs and expectations of the customers you’re aiming for.

Iterative Refinement

Iterative refinement is an ongoing process where you keep making your idea better based on feedback and real-life lessons. It’s a bit like a loop – you assess how things are going, make adjustments, and improve.

When you get feedback from tests and how users experience your project, you use that to make changes and refinements. This helps your project become even better, work more effectively, and be more efficient. This iterative approach is all about adapting to whatever’s happening and making sure your final result is the best it can be.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation mean keeping an eye on how things are going and checking if your ideas are working as planned. It’s like regularly looking at your progress and seeing if you’re getting the results you want. If not, you can adjust your plans.

Follow these steps systematically to effectively move from brainstorming to the successful implementation of innovative ideas while minimizing risks and optimizing outcomes.


Amanda Athuraliya
Amanda Athuraliya Communications Specialist

Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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