covid 19 impact on employment

Global Impact of COVID-19 on Employment

COVID-19 has led to one of the worst job crises since the Great Depression.  With its impact expected to run on for years to come, the pandemic has contributed to increasing global poverty and widening equality gaps.  

The government shutdowns of businesses and schools due to the COVID-19 pandemic have led to serious disruptions in work. While many have been furloughed or given reduced hours to work with their salaries reduced, a million others have lost their jobs entirely. However, the ability to work from home for many workers has helped reduce the resulting economic crisis to a certain extent, although their job security, wellbeing, and work-life balance still remain challenged.   

In this infographic, we explore the global impact of COVID-19 on employment with a special focus on the industries that have been impacted the most, jobs that have emerged, and effective measures that can be taken to overcome the challenges posed by the pandemic.  

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