Online Class Diagram Tool

The Simplest Way to Create Class Diagrams Online

Create a Class Diagram

Over 10 Million people and 1000s of teams already use Creately


Visualize system structures with minimal effort

Draw even the most complex of class diagrams in a few minutes with advanced drawing features. Intuitive drag and drop interface with precision drawing and control, preset styling options and many diagramming shortcuts.

  • Smart class diagram shapes and connectors that adjust according to context
  • Industry-standard shape libraries for class diagrams and other UML diagrams
  • 100s of pre-drawn class diagram templates to kickstart your projects

Collaborate seamlessly with teams and clients

Work online on drawing class diagrams with your team including colleagues who work remotely. Keep your work synchronized no matter where you are with real-time collaboration.

  • Share feedback with pinpointed comments and discussion threads
  • Control edit or review rights for team members and external stakeholders
  • Download diagrams in multiple image formats for embedding, publishing & sharing

Works with the tools you love

Thoughtfully designed integrations with the platforms you use every day

Works with the tools you love

Creately Works On

G Suite
Chrome web store