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How the RAPID Framework Can Revolutionize Business Decisions

Updated on: 26 June 2024 | 9 min read
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Making decisions at work can be daunting, especially when the stakes are high and multiple stakeholders are involved. It’s completely natural to feel nervous about the outcome. Fortunately, the RAPID decision-making model can help simplify this process. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, RAPID ensures that everyone knows exactly what part they play in the decision-making journey. This framework is particularly effective for large, complex decisions, with high risk of miscommunication and delay. In this blog, we will explore how the RAPID framework works, when to use it, and its benefits. We’ll also look at practical examples to demonstrate how this tool can streamline decision-making, helping you move forward with confidence and clarity. Let’s dive into how RAPID can transform your decision-making process.

What is the RAPID Framework?

The RAPID decision-making model is a structured approach designed to clarify roles and responsibilities in the decision-making process, ensuring efficient and accountable outcomes. Developed by Bain & Company, RAPID stands for five key roles:

  1. Recommend: The person or team responsible for proposing, gathering necessary data, and providing a thorough analysis of the options.

  2. Agree: Stakeholders who need to formally approve the recommendation before it can proceed. Their role is to support or veto the proposal based on its merits and alignment with organizational goals.

  3. Perform: Individuals or teams tasked with implementing the decision once it has been made. They are responsible for executing the agreed-upon plan.

  4. Input: Those who provide essential information and feedback during the recommendation phase. Their insights help shape the proposal by highlighting potential risks and opportunities.

  5. Decide: The person with the ultimate authority to make the final decision. This role is accountable for the outcome and ensures that the decision is aligned with organizational priorities.

The RAPID framework is particularly useful for complex decisions involving multiple stakeholders, as it delineates clear roles and prevents confusion or bottlenecks. By assigning specific responsibilities, it enhances accountability and streamlines the decision-making process, leading to more effective and timely outcomes.

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Rapid Framework for Better Business Decisions

Breaking Down the RAPID Model

Understanding the RAPID decision-making model is crucial for optimizing team efficiency. Each letter in RAPID represents a specific role that contributes to the RAPID decision-making process: Recommend, Agree, Perform, Input, and Decide. By clearly defining these roles, teams can streamline their decision-making and ensure effective outcomes.

Recommend (R) Role

The Recommender is responsible for creating proposals and coordinating with others involved in the project. Typically, an individual in this role is tasked with researching various options, gathering necessary data, and presenting well-thought-out recommendations. This role is vital as it sets the pace for the entire decision-making process.

Agree (A) Role

The Agreer plays a critical part in reaching a consensus. This individual has significant authority to shape the recommendation provided by the Recommender. The Agreer has the power to approve or request modifications to the recommendation, ensuring that all aspects are considered and that the decision is sound.

Perform (P) Role

The Performer is tasked with executing the decision once it’s made. By involving the Performer early in the decision-making process, teams can ensure that practical implementation challenges are considered upfront. This role brings the plans to life and ensures that the decision’s intent is realized effectively.

Input (I) Role

Individuals assigned to the Input role provide essential insights and advice. These stakeholders offer their expertise, sharing valuable information and perspectives that inform the decision. Having multiple inputs ensures a well-rounded approach, addressing all potential considerations and impacts.

Decide (D) Role

The Decider is the final authority who makes the ultimate decision. This person considers all the collected inputs, recommendations, and agreements before making a choice. The Decider ensures the chosen path aligns with broader organizational goals and priorities.

Employing the RAPID model significantly enhances team collaboration and decision accountability. For instance, using our infinite canvas can help visualize and manage these roles seamlessly. Creately’s visual Kanban boards allow teams to track decisions at every stage, transforming brainstorming ideas into actionable steps. This visual approach enhances understanding and ensures that everyone involved can see how decisions progress, increasing team efficiency.

With Creately, teams benefit from an integrated platform that supports the RAPID framework. Real-time collaboration tools like synchronous editing, in-app video conferencing, and live mouse tracking make it easy for teams to coordinate, regardless of their physical location. This setup is ideal for complex decision-making scenarios, as it provides a clear, structured approach that everyone can follow.

By breaking down the RAPID model and leveraging tools like Creately, organizations can create a transparent, inclusive environment that empowers stakeholders at all levels to contribute meaningfully. This approach not only enhances decision-making but also builds a culture of ownership and accountability.

When to use the RAPID Model

Understanding when to use the RAPID decision-making model is crucial for optimizing team efficiency and maximizing organizational impact. Here’s when this powerful tool is most effective:

  • When there are multiple teams involved: Complex decisions often require input from a variety of teams. RAPID clarifies roles and ensures everyone knows their responsibilities, preventing confusion and streamlining the decision-making process.

  • When handling multiple suppliers: Managing numerous suppliers can be challenging. Using the RAPID decision-making model ensures clear communication and accountability, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and delays.

  • For decisions with a large organizational impact: Significant decisions affecting the entire organization benefit from RAPID due to its structured approach, which involves all necessary stakeholders and ensures a thorough decision-making process.

  • For long-term decisions: Decisions that shape the long-term future of an organization require careful consideration and diverse perspectives. RAPID helps compile and analyze extensive input, leading to well-informed, strategic decisions.

Implementing RAPID is seamless with tools like Creately. Its visual and collaborative platform aids in organizing and visualizing the RAPID framework. For example, Creately’s Infinite Canvas allows teams to map out roles and steps, while visual kanban boards help track progress and ensure everyone remains aligned.

Benefits of the RAPID Framework

The RAPID decision-making model offers multiple advantages that can significantly optimize team efficiency.

Here’s why embracing the RAPID framework can be transformative for your organization:

  • More Inclusive Decision-Making: The RAPID model ensures that various perspectives are considered by allocating specific roles. This inclusivity is crucial for making well-rounded decisions.

  • Increase Transparency: By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, the RAPID model fosters transparency within the team. Everyone knows who is responsible for what, and this clarity helps avoid confusion.

  • Decentralization of Power: RAPID dilutes the concentration of decision-making power. Decisions are made based on collective input, which minimizes biases and prevents any single individual from dominating the process.

  • Multiple Perspectives: With clearly designated roles like ‘Input’ and ‘Agree’, the RAPID framework gathers comprehensive feedback from different stakeholders, enhancing the depth and breadth of the decision-making process.

  • Empowerment: RAPID empowers team members at all levels by giving them a voice in important decisions. This empowerment can lead to increased morale and a more collaborative work environment.

  • Accountability: One of the biggest strengths of the RAPID model is that it enhances accountability. When roles are clearly defined, it becomes easier to track who is responsible for various aspects of the decision-making process.

Integrating the RAPID framework with Creately can enhance these benefits further. Creately’s visual collaboration and diagramming tools provide an infinite canvas, allowing teams to visually organize and execute decisions effectively. Features like visual Kanban boards enable the tracking and implementing of decisions and facilitate transforming abstract ideas into actionable steps. Overall, combining RAPID with Creately ensures a more structured, transparent, and collaborative approach to decision-making.

Difference Between the RAPID and RACI Framework

While both RAPID and RACI frameworks are designed to define roles and responsibilities, they serve distinct purposes. The RAPID decision-making model is tailored specifically for improving decision-making processes by clearly pinpointing who is responsible for each role in complex decision scenarios. On the other hand, the RACI chart is used to clarify roles in project management, ensuring each team member knows their specific duties within a project.

Key differences include:

  • RAPID: Focuses on decision-making roles like Recommend, Agree, Perform, Input, and Decide.

  • RACI: Categorizes project roles into Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed.

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Choosing Between RAPID and RACI

Deciding whether to use RAPID or RACI depends on your specific needs.

Use RAPID when:

  • You need clear decision-making roles with significant stakeholder input.

  • Complex decisions require extensive collaboration.

Opt for RACI when:

  • The project requires defined responsibilities and accountability without focusing heavily on the decision-making process.

  • Multiple people need to be informed and consulted about project tasks.

Rapid Framework Templates

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Rapid framework to Better Manage your Team
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Rapid framework for Supply Chain Management

Real-World Example of How to Implement the RAPID Framework


A mid-sized tech company decides to implement a new CRM system to better manage customer interactions, improve sales processes, and enhance customer satisfaction. This decision involves multiple departments, including sales, marketing, IT, and customer support.

Steps Using the RAPID Framework

  1. Recommend:
  • Role: Sales Manager

  • Action: The Sales Manager conducts research on various CRM systems, gathers input from the sales team on necessary features, and analyzes the potential benefits and costs. The Sales Manager then prepares a proposal recommending a specific CRM system.

  • Outcome: A detailed proposal that outlines the recommended CRM system, along with supporting data and analysis.

  1. Agree:
  • Role: Heads of Sales, Marketing, IT, and Customer Support

  • Action: The heads of these departments review the proposal, provide feedback, and discuss the recommendation in a series of meetings. They vote to accept or reject the proposal.

  • Outcome: Agreement to proceed with the recommended CRM system (or suggestions for modifications if needed).

  1. Perform:
  • Role: IT Manager

  • Action: The IT Manager oversees the implementation of the new CRM system. This includes coordinating with the CRM vendor, setting up the system, migrating data, and training staff.

  • Outcome: Successful installation and configuration of the CRM system, ready for use by the organization.

  1. Input:
  • Role: Key stakeholders from Sales, Marketing, IT, and Customer Support

  • Action: Throughout the recommendation phase, these stakeholders provide essential input on system requirements, potential challenges, and user needs. Their feedback is used to shape the final proposal.

  • Outcome: A well-rounded proposal that considers the needs and concerns of all departments involved.

  1. Decide:
  • Role: Chief Operating Officer (COO)

  • Action: The COO reviews the final proposal, considers the agreement from department heads, and makes the definitive decision to approve the CRM system implementation.

  • Outcome: Official approval to move forward with the CRM system, ensuring alignment with the company’s strategic goals.

The RAPID decision-making model revolutionizes how organizations tackle complex decisions by clearly defining roles and responsibilities. This structured approach ensures that every team member knows their part in the decision-making process, reducing confusion and delays. From implementing new systems to strategic planning, RAPID enhances accountability, inclusivity, and efficiency. By involving all necessary stakeholders and providing a transparent pathway from proposal to implementation, RAPID empowers teams to make well-informed and timely decisions.


Chiraag George
Chiraag George Communication Specialist

Chiraag George is a communication specialist here at Creately. He is a marketing junkie that is fascinated by how brands occupy consumer mind space. A lover of all things tech, he writes a lot about the intersection of technology, branding and culture at large.

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