Resources > DACI Framework: What it is And How to use it to make Smarter Decisions

DACI Framework: What it is And How to use it to make Smarter Decisions

Updated on: 26 June 2024 | 14 min read
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In project management, ensuring an even distribution of tasks and timely informed decisions can be tricky. Challenges such as scope creep, resource allocation, and communication breakdowns frequently arise, complicating project execution. Balancing the workload among team members while considering their varying skills and availability adds another layer of complexity. Moreover, projects often face unpredictable obstacles, including technical issues, budget constraints, and external dependencies, which can derail progress and necessitate quick, effective decision-making.

The DACI decision-making framework offers a structured approach to address these challenges. By clearly defining roles within a project, the framework enhances team effectiveness, eliminating confusion and streamlining the decision-making process.

What is the DACI Framework?

The DACI model stands for Driver, Approver, Contributor, and Informed. Each role is critically important for the smooth functioning of the project:Driver: The project leader who manages meetings, gathers ideas, assigns tasks, and tracks progress.Approver: The stakeholder with the final say on project decisions, often a senior executive.Contributor: Subject matter experts who provide essential insights but do not make final decisions.Informed: Individuals who need updates on the project’s progress but are not directly involved in decision-making or execution.

Origins of the DACI Framework

The DACI framework was developed at Intuit as a variant of the RACI responsibility assignment matrix. While RACI focuses on individual responsibilities, DACI emphasizes decision clarity. It’s tailored specifically to improve decision-making efficiency in project management.

Integrating tools like Creately with the DACI framework significantly enhances its effectiveness. Creately’s visual collaboration platform allows teams to visualize roles, tasks, and workflows, essential for implementing the DACI model seamlessly. By using visual kanban boards and data-integrated diagrams, teams can better track tasks assigned to Drivers and support Contributors in supplying well-informed insights.

DACI framework for Better Business Alignment
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DACI framework for Better Business Alignment

Steps to Implementing the DACI Framework

Implementing the DACI framework can significantly streamline project management and decision-making processes. By breaking down complex projects into manageable tasks and clearly defining roles, teams can ensure timely completion and enhance collaboration. Here are the key steps to effectively implement the DACI framework:

Step 1: Break Projects into Manageable Tasks

The first step is to decompose the overall project into smaller, actionable tasks. Each task should have a clear goal and be assigned a Driver, ensuring accountability and focus. This task-level breakdown helps in preventing any single point of failure and keeps the project on track.

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Work Breakdown Structure to Break Bigger Tasks Down into Smaller Ones

Step 2: Assign Roles Appropriately

Next, assign the roles of Drivers, Approvers, and Contributors to each task. The Driver will champion the task, the Approver will have the final say, and Contributors will provide essential insights. Proper role assignment is crucial for avoiding bottlenecks and conflicts.

Step 3: Define Workflow and Communication

Establish a clear workflow and communication plan to ensure smooth execution and timely updates. Utilize tools like Creately’s visual collaboration platform, which offers features such as visual kanban boards and data-integrated diagramming to assist in task tracking and role visualization. This clarity in workflow aids in keeping everyone on the same page and enhances decision-making efficiency.

  • Workflow Documentation: Outline the workflow processes and decision criteria.

  • Communication Plan: Determine how to keep the Informed updated and how to relay critical decisions.

  • Feedback Mechanisms: Set up channels for Contributors to provide their input seamlessly.

By following these steps, teams can effectively implement the DACI framework, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently, decisions are made swiftly, and all stakeholders are kept in

The DACI Framework VS RACI Model

When it comes to project management frameworks, the DACI model and the RACI matrix are often compared. Each framework offers distinct advantages depending on the nature of the project and team dynamics.

Key Differences Between DACI and RACI

  • Role Definitions: The DACI decision making framework designates specific roles such as Driver, Approver, Contributor, and Informed. Meanwhile, the RACI matrix uses Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. The key difference is in role specification. DACI emphasizes decision-making roles, particularly the Driver and Approver, whereas RACI focuses more on who is responsible and accountable for tasks.

  • Focus: DACI’s primary goal is to facilitate clear decision-making processes. This model is especially useful in scenarios where decision delays can significantly impact project timelines. On the other hand, RACI aims to ensure that every task has clear ownership and that all stakeholders are appropriately consulted and informed.

  • Application: The DACI model is particularly effective in product management and development projects where decisions need to be made quickly and efficiently. RACI can be applied more broadly across various types of projects, providing accountability and clarity in task management.

When to Use Each Framework

  • DACI: Suitable for complex product developments where decision speed is critical. For instance, in a tech startup launching a new app, the DACI framework can ensure rapid, informed decisions with a clear final approver.

  • RACI: Opt for RACI in projects that require strict adherence to processes such as compliance or regulatory tasks. A construction project, which demands rigorous planning and regulatory compliance, can benefit from RACI’s detailed documentation of responsibilities.

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RACI Matrix Template

Both frameworks can be adapted to meet the needs of various projects, and understanding these differences can help project managers choose the right one to enhance team collaboration and project success. DACI decision making framework particularly benefits from tools like Creately, which allows teams to visualize roles and workflows on an infinite canvas, ensuring all members are clear on their responsibilities and the decision-making process.

Benefits of the DACI Framework

Clarity in Decision-Making

The DACI framework offers marked clarity in decision-making by distinctly defining the roles of each team member. Through precise assignment of Drivers, Approvers, Contributors, and Informed individuals, teams know exactly who is responsible for which aspect of the project. This segregation eliminates ambiguity and ensures that decisions are made efficiently without any role overlap or confusion.

Conflict Reduction

A major benefit of employing the DACI framework is the reduction in conflicts. When roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, there are fewer chances of misunderstandings or disputes over who should take what actions. This structured approach promotes a harmonious work environment, where each team member’s contributions are recognized and valued, leading to seamless project flow.

Enhanced Accountability

With the DACI model, accountability is significantly enhanced. Each task within a project is championed by a Driver, ensuring that no task falls through the cracks. This precise allocation creates a strong sense of ownership among team members, motivating them to see their tasks through to successful completion. Additionally, Approvers can provide timely feedback and make high-quality decisions, reinforcing this responsibility structure.

Facilitating Collaboration

The DACI framework naturally facilitates collaborative team environments, as it necessitates the input of various team members. Contributors bring their expertise to the table, enriching the project with diverse perspectives and innovative solutions. The Informed role keeps critical stakeholders updated, thus maintaining transparency and fostering trust. The collaboration tools offered by platforms like Creately can significantly augment this process. With an infinite visual canvas and features like visual kanban boards and data-integrated diagramming, Creately supports real-time collaboration and efficient tracking of tasks, making the DACI framework implementation even more effective.

Understanding Roles in the DACI Framework

DACI framework for New Website Launch
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DACI framework for New Website Launch

Driver: The Project Champion

The Driver is the cornerstone of the DACI framework, acting as the primary leader of the project. This individual is responsible for moving the decision process forward and navigating the project from inception to completion. The Driver:

  • Manages meetings and gathers ideas from the team

  • Assigns tasks to Contributors

  • Keeps project timelines on track

  • Coordinates with subject matter experts to obtain necessary input

An example role might be that of a project manager overseeing a product launch. They guide the team, ensuring that all responsibilities are addressed and that there is a cohesive plan in place. However, it is essential to note that while the Driver leads and influences, they do not possess the authority to make final approval decisions.

Approver: The Decision Gatekeeper

The Approver plays a critical role in the DACI model by having the final say on project aspects. This role entails:

  • Reviewing and approving or rejecting proposed ideas and tasks

  • Maintaining objectivity and ensuring unbiased decision-making

  • Providing strategic direction and clearing uncertainties

As Approver, it is recommended to keep the number of people in this role limited to avoid delays. For instance, a senior executive could act as the Approver for a strategic initiative, ensuring that all decisions align with the organization’s broader goals. The Approver’s decisions are crucial for maintaining project quality and coherence.

Contributor: The Subject Matter Expert

In the DACI framework, Contributors are the specialists who provide vital information, perspectives, and expertise to aid decision-making. Their responsibilities include:

  • Offering expert opinions and insights specific to their domain

  • Conducting research and providing data to inform decisions

  • Collaborating with the Driver to refine project elements

For example, in a software development project, Contributors could be architects or senior engineers who provide technical insights crucial for feature development. Although they do not make final decisions, their input is instrumental in shaping the project’s outcome.

Informed: Keeping Key Stakeholders in the Loop

The Informed role involves keeping individuals or groups updated on the project’s progress. These stakeholders might not be directly involved in decision-making but are affected by the outcomes. The Informed include:

  • Receiving regular updates about project status

  • Staying aware of decisions and their implications

  • Monitoring progress without intervening directly

In a marketing campaign, the Informed could consist of the sales team, who need regular updates to align their strategies with marketing efforts. Keeping them informed ensures that all parts of the organization move coherently towards shared objectives.

Table: DACI Role Responsibilities

DriverLeads project, gathers ideas, assigns tasks, tracks progress
ApproverFinal decision maker, reviews and approves tasks, ensures project quality
ContributorProvides expertise, conducts research, offers insights
InformedReceives updates, stays aware of project progress and decisions

The clarity of roles that DACI provides is essential for effective decision-making. With Creately’s visual collaboration platform, teams can vividly map out these roles and their responsibilities. Using visual Kanban boards and data-integrated diagramming allows teams to streamline communication and track tasks in real-time, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

What the DACI Model Hopes to Answer

The DACI decision-making framework aims to address several critical questions that emerge during project management. These questions ensure that every aspect of decision-making is thoroughly considered and organized. Here are some of the key questions the DACI model seeks to answer:

  • Who must be consulted for information? The DACI framework identifies Contributors who are subject matter experts. They provide vital insights and knowledge but do not have the final say in decision-making.

  • Who gathers research, gathers information, or takes polls? While the Driver leads the project and organizes the gathering of ideas, Contributors also participate in collecting data and providing recommendations based on their expertise.

  • Who decides on recommendations? The Approver plays a crucial role here, making the final decisions based on the recommendations and information provided by the Driver and Contributors.

  • Who approves decisions? Again, the Approver is responsible for this step. Their authority ensures that decisions are made efficiently and in line with project objectives.

  • Who needs to be informed after decisions are made? Keeping the Informed parties updated ensures transparency and allows those who are affected by the decisions to stay in the loop. This role includes stakeholders, team members not directly involved in the decision-making process, and external followers.

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DACI framework Template

By addressing these questions, the DACI model provides a comprehensive approach to project management. It ensures that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, reducing confusion and enhancing collaboration among team members.

Tools like Creately can significantly aid in implementing the DACI framework by providing an integrated visual collaboration platform. Features such as visual kanban boards and data-integrated diagramming facilitate thorough planning and communication, ensuring that every DACI role is effectively utilized.

DACI framework for Depratmental Deision Making
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DACI framework for Depratmental Deision Making

The DACI Framework VS RACI Model

When it comes to project management frameworks, the DACI model and the RACI matrix are often compared. Each framework offers distinct advantages depending on the nature of the project and team dynamics.

Key Differences Between DACI and RACI

  • Role Definitions: The DACI decision making framework designates specific roles such as Driver, Approver, Contributor, and Informed. Meanwhile, the RACI matrix uses Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, and Informed. The key difference is in role specification. DACI emphasizes decision-making roles, particularly the Driver and Approver, whereas RACI focuses more on who is responsible and accountable for tasks.

  • Focus: DACI’s primary goal is to facilitate clear decision-making processes. This model is especially useful in scenarios where decision delays can significantly impact project timelines. On the other hand, RACI aims to ensure that every task has clear ownership and that all stakeholders are appropriately consulted and informed.

  • Application: The DACI model is particularly effective in product management and development projects where decisions need to be made quickly and efficiently. RACI can be applied more broadly across various types of projects, providing accountability and clarity in task management.

When to Use Each Framework

  • DACI: Suitable for complex product developments where decision speed is critical. For instance, in a tech startup launching a new app, the DACI framework can ensure rapid, informed decisions with a clear final approver.

  • RACI: Opt for RACI in projects that require strict adherence to processes such as compliance or regulatory tasks. A construction project, which demands rigorous planning and regulatory compliance, can benefit from RACI’s detailed documentation of responsibilities.

Both frameworks can be adapted to meet the needs of various projects, and understanding these differences can help project managers choose the right one to enhance team collaboration and project success. DACI decision making framework particularly benefits from tools like Creately, which allows teams to visualize roles and workflows on an infinite canvas, ensuring all members are clear on their responsibilities and the decision-making process.

How Creately Enhances Decision-Making in Project Management

Creately provides a suite of tools and features designed to enhance decision-making processes in project management, making it an invaluable asset for teams striving for efficiency and clarity.

Visual Canvas for Team Collaboration

Creately’s visual canvas serves as a collaborative space where teams can come together to brainstorm, plan, and make decisions. This interactive platform allows multiple users to contribute simultaneously, fostering real-time collaboration and ensuring that all team members are aligned and engaged in the decision-making process. The visual nature of the canvas helps in mapping out ideas, strategies, and workflows, making complex information more digestible and actionable.

Multiple Frameworks for Strategic Thinking and Project Planning

To aid in strategic thinking and project planning, Creately offers a variety of frameworks, such as SWOT analysis, PEST analysis, and mind maps. These tools provide structured methodologies for evaluating different aspects of a project, facilitating comprehensive analysis and informed decision-making. By utilizing these frameworks, teams can better anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and develop robust project plans.

Centralized Canvas for Streamlined Decision Making

Creately’s centralized canvas acts as a single source of truth for all project information. By consolidating all relevant data, documents, and updates in one place, it eliminates the need for disparate systems and reduces the risk of miscommunication. This centralization streamlines the decision-making process, as team members can easily access the most up-to-date information, ensuring that decisions are based on accurate and current data.

Visual Tools to Clarify Roles and Responsibilities

One of the key challenges in project management is clearly defining and communicating roles and responsibilities. Creately addresses this with visual tools such as org charts and RACI matrices, which help delineate who is responsible for what. These visuals provide a clear overview of team structure and individual responsibilities, reducing confusion and enhancing accountability. By making roles explicit, teams can operate more efficiently and avoid overlaps or gaps in task ownership.

Tracking Project Progress and Identifying Blockers

Creately also includes features for tracking project progress and identifying potential blockers. Through Gantt charts, Kanban boards, and other project management tools, teams can monitor timelines, milestones, and task completion rates. These visual aids make it easier to spot delays or obstacles that could impede project success. Early identification of blockers enables proactive problem-solving, ensuring that the project stays on track and within scope.

Creately enhances decision making in project management by providing a collaborative visual canvas, offering multiple strategic frameworks, centralizing project information, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and enabling effective tracking of project progress. These features collectively streamline the decision-making process, leading to more informed and timely decisions that drive project success.


Chiraag George
Chiraag George Communication Specialist

Chiraag George is a communication specialist here at Creately. He is a marketing junkie that is fascinated by how brands occupy consumer mind space. A lover of all things tech, he writes a lot about the intersection of technology, branding and culture at large.

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