3 reasons why you should quit writing (well, sort of)

By Nishadha
Whatever opinion you may have of Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor did once say “Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu’un long discours,” or “A good sketch is better than a long speech”. We’re inclined to agree. I mean what do you prefer “reading”, this or this?
To drive this point home a bit further, we’ve pinpointed 3 reasons why you would do better by drawing the curtain (or turning the page) on writing for good.

1. Get lost with diagrams? Never!

Ask yourself – “Do I really have the time of day to understand yards of data or would I prefer a simple flowchart diagram instead?”

2. Diagramming is faster

How confusing is this? It makes better sense to make an organizational chart within minutes.

3. Clarity means diagamming

We’ve all done brainstorming on pages and pages of docs and emails. Confusion reigns in those instances. This is precisely why intelligent people brainstorm using mindmaps because information is far easier to assimilate.

So there’s our case for diagramming. In an era when people have less patience, less time and a love for clarity, diagramming does supersede writing in every way. If you feel we’ve given you a strong urge to doodle, then you can do so with us.