What’s going on @Creately

By Nishadha

As Twitter becomes more popular and pervasive, it has become an essential tool for start-ups to engage with their customers. Here at Creately, we actively engage our users, supporters and even the occasional detractor on Twitter.

Recently, we wanted to understand what our customers say to us on Twitter so @Indu went through our Twitter archives and put together this simple connections map of our @Creately Twitter account to capture some of our more active users and what they’re been talking to us about.

Who’s Talking to Creately & What are they Saying.

As @Indu worked on the diagram, she decided to pull together some recent Tweets about Creately to share with the team and you – our customers.

  • b3nw: saved by a javascript app creately – https://creately.com after MS Visio just refused to link things, whew. Best $5 i’ve spent in along time.
  • UrbanHaiku: learning how to use creately.com to make a flowchart for my blog. I like it.
  • JasonStoddard: Highly recommend @creately & checking out their mindmapping/diagram solution. Hosted. Elegant. Stupid-simple. #FF
  • megormi: I made some interesting graphic organizers today using creately.com thanks to the suggestion by@socratech
  • nocash: Been looking for something like this for a while: Create and Collaborate on Online Diagrams – Creately –https://creately.com/
  • Rohlund: I highly recommend checking out creately.com if Microsoft Visio is not your friend. #ittools

Thank you for all your tweets. We try to respond to each and everyone of them – so if you’ve enjoyed using Creately – tell us – we’re always listening on Twitter.

If you’re not following Creately on Twitter – now’s the time.

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