Android Mockup Templates for App Prototypes

By Amanda Athuraliya

A mockup is a static visualization of an end product, be it a website or a mobile application. It shows the structure of information, color scheme, typography and other design related elements of the product, upon which the prototype is created. If you are about to launch an app for Android users, the following Android mockup templates will definitely help you get started right away with its prototype. You can use our Android Mockup Tool to quickly create stunning Android app designs.

These Android mockup examples represent different user interfaces for various apps that run on Android OS. The android mockup templates listed below are expertly designed with Creately. You can simply click the template to open it in the editor to make changes according to your requirements or export it as a template.  

Android Mockup Template of Google Nexus App Drawer

The android mockup template below is designed for Google Nexus; it shows the layout of apps in an app drawer which is also known as an app tray. While layout objects and UI controls are available directly in the app, you can import the app logos from Google search or IconFinder integrated with the search bar. Click on the template to edit it as you want.

Android Mockup Template of Google Nexus App Drawer Android Mockup Template of Google Nexus App Drawer

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Template of a Lock Screen

Here is an Android mockup example of a lock screen in a Samsung phone. All UI controls for Samsung devices (from KitKat onward) are available in the app, and the lock screen wallpaper, you can import from Google easily. One screen shows the lock screen with notifications, and the other shows a pattern screen lock. Click the image to modify the template online.

Android Mockup Template of a Lock ScreenAndroid Mockup Template of a Lock Screen

Click the image to edit it online

Android Mockup Template of Google Maps

The following Android mockup template shows the UI of Google maps app. You can find UI controls, from maps to necessary icons, to design navigation apps like Google maps in Creately. Click on the image to make changes or export it as a template.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Template of Google Play Store

This Android Template shows the user interface of Google Play Store. Designing a user-oriented UI like that of Google Play Store is easier with Creately because of the availability of icons and controls and their ability to autoconfigure themselves according to the context. Click the image to start modifying.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Notification Manager Mockup Template

The following Android mockup template is the Notification Manager; it shows status bar notifications in a Google Nexus 6. Click the template to open it in the editor so you can make the necessary changes (change or add app icons, change wallpaper etc.).

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Templates for Contact Apps

This Android mockup template shows the Contact app UI in Android Lollipop 5.1.1. UI controls related to Lollipop 5.0 as well as Marshmallow 6.0 are available in the app. Whether you are creating an app for Android Lollipop or the latest version, you can do it easily with Creately.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Template of a Note Pad App

The following Android mockup template shows the UI of a note taking app/ note pad app. Different symbols have been used to indicate 3 kinds of notes and each note has been color coded for emphasis and appeal. The screen on the left shows the UI of the home page, and the screen on the right shows the UI of the Personal Notes page.

You can easily create screen transitions between multiple UI screens like shown below.  Click on the image to edit the template online.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Templates for Photo Store Apps

The 3 mock-ups below show the user interfaces of a photo store app; the app loading page, Sign in page and the Photo Purchasing page.  If you prefer a different color theme, you can pick one from the preset color palettes in the app, or select one manually. Click the image to start editing.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Templates for Applications with Social Signup

Here is the User Interface of an Android app that lets users sign in with their social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn). The social media buttons and icons to create a similar UI are available in the app. Click the image to export it as a template or edit it online.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Templates for Calendar Apps

This is an Android calendar mockup. The calendar including the relevant controls are readily available in the app, and you can customize them using a preferred color palette that matches the calendar app you are designing. Click the image to open it in the editor to make the necessary changes.

Click the image to modify it online

Android Mockup Templates for Messaging Apps

This here is an Android mockup template of a contacts interface for a messaging app. The UI controls, such as contact icons, to design a messaging app are available in the app. Click the image to export the image as a template.

Click the image to modify it online

Listed above are only a few Android mockup templates available in Creately. Do check Android mockup examples page for more Android mockup examples. Remember to check in occasionally, for we add new examples frequently.

More Diagramming Templates

View Comments

  • thanks for sharing this article. Android templates useful when developing anything for android. Ths will help others too.

  • From design point of view Mock up always play an important role. To show very tempting layout in your android phone always challengeable. These mockup templates explained above are very useful for android phone users, recommending one or two would be overwhelming. I would try all one by one.

  • I used these Android mockup templates, it is very exciting to me. Android designers can modify and change their apps mockup design. Thanks for sharing

  • Hi , its really a nice post .Am really glad to say that i use android mockup templates in my phones.And i really enjoyed it. Thanks for posting :)