Draw Gantt Charts Online Easily Using Creately

By Nishadha

We are excited to announce our new Gantt Chart Objects! It’s really simple and easy to draw Gantt charts or come up with a quick time line for planning things.
Most times you simply need to explain your thinking about a project schedule, a sequence of events with creating a Gantt chart or by make a timeline, you end up having to use a tool like Microsoft Project or draw it manually using a drawing software. We have gotten rid of that complexity and have added some nifty features to make it faster and easier to draw Gantt charts, so you can have fun while planning your projects. Below are some templates created using our tools ( click to open in new window )

Gantt Chart Template CreatelyGantt Chart Template CreatelyColorful Gantt chart templateColorful Gantt chart templateGantt Chart for a Business Plan templateGantt Chart for a Business Plan template

Below are some of the new Gantt chart features

1/ Quickly Draw Graphs with Drag and Drop Elements

Gantt Specific objects like Gantt Container, Timeline to quickly start drawing diagrams. Just drag and drop the elements to the drawing area.

2/ Easily Add Columns and Rows

Double click on the Gantt Container and You will be taken to a text editor. Add a row by simply adding a line break and add a column by adding a comma

Draw Gantt charts easily with simple to use text editorDraw Gantt charts easily with simple to use text editor

3/ Smart Objects that Adjust Automatically

Increasing the length of the object automatically increases the unit number, dragging tasks adjust the connectors etc

4/ One Click Create to Add Dependent Tasks

Create dependent tasks easily with connecting arrows automatically created for you

Easily add dependent tasks in the Gantt chartEasily add dependent tasks in the Gantt chart

5/ Show Completed Percentage Within Tasks

Easily track the progress of the task by showing completed percentage within the bar

Show Completed Percentages of the task in Gantt chartsShow Completed Percentages of the task in Gantt charts

6/ Timeline only Object for Simple Planning

Sometime people don’t want complicated graphs with columns and rows, and simple planning object is the tool to do exactly that.

The above new features combined with the already existing features of Creately makes it a great online tool to draw Gantt charts. Check out the below video to see how easy it is to create Gantt charts using Creately.

Have fun drawing Gantt charts and time lines with our tools and feel free to share your ideas and suggestions in the comments section.

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