Cinergix Halloween 2014

By Shalin Siriwardhana

Halloween is the spookiest night of the year, when spirits wander the earth freely and children wander the neighborhood seeking candy and causing havoc. Traditional activities include trick-or-treating, bonfires, costume parties, visiting “haunted houses” and carving jack-o-lanterns. Halloween is a time where you get to be enjoying being scared and scary at the same time. It is one of the best times to show your creativity and enthusiasm towards the community.

We, at Cinergix thought of doing something fun for the Halloween 2014 and decided to celebrate Halloween with our team. Four teams were divided in to groups and each group was given the task of decorating their sections for Halloween. Each one of us had to design a costume for the costume contest as well. We only had a day to do everything. And the day was up. All teams were very creative and had decorated their sections according to four themes. The teams and themes were,

Group A – Spooky Forest  (Chandika, Hiraash, Nuwanthi, Ramishka and Niroshan)

spooky forestspooky forest

Spooky Forest

spooky forest - group A

Scary Chucky Dolls

Group B – The Haunted Witch (Lankika, Thilina, Dinuka, Sumudu and Sasindu)

the haunted witch

Flying Witch – Won the First Price for the Best Decoration

Group C – Creepy Bug Valley (Prasad, Rasikaran, Shantha, Isurika and Mahadi)

Spider Webs

Group D – Abandoned Cemetery (Thakshila, Nishadha, Gobiga, Shiraz and Shalin)

The cemetery full of specters

The Decorations & Costumes

The Entrance Decoration

Prasad’s Goth Costume – Won the First Place at the Costume Contest

The Wicked Witch Decoration

Spooky Warning!

The Monster Mask

The Pumpkin Lord

Nishadha’s Zombie Costume

The Teams