New Release and Nick gets married

By Nishadha

Yesterday, after a busy couple of weeks we pushed out a new version of Creately to our private beta users. Just in time so the team can take a well deserved break, as Nick gets married on Thursday. We’re really happy for Nick and Nadisha, and you’ll hear all about it next week after the festivities are over. But for now we want to share some exciting new additions and fixes we’ve introduced in this release.

We’ve got some great feedback from our testers and we really appreciate the time you folk have taken to help us refine Creately. And I want to stress how we want to continue to drive adoption of support.creately.com as the focus of our communications with our new users.

Here’s a quick list of changes we’re introduced.

  • A new web based Login that’s integrated into the Creately.com site. We hope you like this.
  • Improved pop-up window management. This was getting to be a problem with users using different browsers, but we’ve smoothed this out for a better user experience. Drop us a note if you still find this to be a problem.
  • The old data window has been replaced with a less cluttered data/property view area on right side of the application. Now, instead of having to manage multiple data view windows in your workspace, Creately automatically updates the data view area with all the properties of the selected KObject. You can still get to the old data window if you need by clicking on the contextual KObject menu.
  • A properly optimized and documented deployment architecture for Creately on Amazon Web Services infrastructure. This will hopefully help us save some money as we expand our user base over the next month.
  • Tons of bug fixes that will now make your design and drawing tasks smoother with Creately.

Interested to give it a go? Sign up for our beta now.