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The Easy Guide to Component Diagrams

While other UML diagrams, which describe the functionality of a system, component diagrams are used to model the components that…

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The Easy Guide to Decision Mapping

If you’re constantly faced with the dilemma of solving complicated problems in your personal or professional life, you can reap…

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The Ultimate Guide to Creating Beautiful Diagrams

Diagrams are a powerful way to communicate. Even the most complex ideas that are hard to understand when written as…

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The Visual Guide to Launching a New Product

When launching a product there aren’t guaranteed methods for success, especially since every product is unique and every product has…

The Easy Guide to UML Activity Diagrams

Activity diagrams can be used in all stages of software development and for various purposes. And because they are a…

Visual Guide to Improving Organizational Performance

The goal of every organization is to reach its peak performance level efficiently. If you have the necessary tools and…

The Easy Guide to UML Class Diagrams | Class Diagram Tutorial

At the heart of any object-oriented system is the step of designing the class structure - therefore the saying goes…

Simplify Legal Processes to Your Clients using Visual Tools

A large part of maximizing your legal team’s productivity, reducing unnecessary costs and meeting the needs of your clients is…

Sales Process Mapping: Visualizing Processes for better Sales Closing

[lwptoc title="Table of Contents" backgroundColor="#efefef"] No matter what industry you are in or how mature your business is, building a…

The Essential Visual Tools You Need to Build a Foolproof Conversion Rate Optimization Plan

[lwptoc min="2" depth="2" numeration="decimalnested" title="4 Step Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Plan" width="full" backgroundColor="#f2f2f2"] Conversion rate optimization. The science of optimizing…