3 reasons why you should quit writing (well, sort of)

Whatever opinion you may have of Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor did once say “Un bon croquis vaut mieux qu’un long discours,” or “A good sketch is better than a long speech”. We’re inclined to agree. I mean what do you… Read More

Wireframes and Mockups. Are they worth getting to know?

There’s a reason why we’ve implied (above) that both wireframes and mockups share a close relationship. But before (we explain, and) you get your brain all jittery with definitions, remember that figuring out what a wireframe and a mockup is… Read More

Diagram Collaboration made Easy

Remember when you all itched for the “Collaboration” feature a year back? Well, since then, we have launched some major user-friendly updates that make Creately an absolute superlative. As you all know innovation is part of our mantra at Cinergix… Read More